1-Peculiar Particles

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Your brother was very brave. He wanted to rule a world away from the dictatorship of Dream. So he created L'manburg. A land surrounded by black and yellow walls, with a single drug van in the center. It was your home, and you loved it. But Dream didn't, and you knew that.

Yesterday, Dream put every citizen of L'manburg on lockdown. Saying that he would kill anyone he encountered outside of the walls.

But you don't like to be bossed around.

So here you were, walking around in a forest, outside the walls of your home, alert to any noise around you, but also distracted from the tree branches constantly hitting your arms and legs.

You were planning on going mining for some iron in order to get a few iron golems to protect the country. But you got sidetracked as you heard a faint sound of an arrow pass behind you.

You shrugged it off since it was early morning and it was probably just a skeleton hiding under a tree but you snapped your head to the side when you saw the arrow fly only inches in front of your nose.

A green sleeve swiftly hid behind a tree but you knew who it was.


Without a second thought, you sprinted directly in the opposite direction, back to L'manburg, hoping he wouldn't be able to catch up.

The low branches cut at your arms and clothes. The adrenaline kept you going though, all the way back to the gates.

You quickly slammed the metal gate closed and hid behind a solid wall, catching your breath and listening for any signs of Dream.

"y/n, what are you doing? Where were you?" Your brother came jogging towards you worriedly.

You grabbed his arm and pulled his back against the wall too, in case Dream was planning on shooting something through the gate.

"I was outside the walls trying to get iron for some iron golems when Dream came and started shooting arrows at me." Your breathing finally slowed down enough to speak clearly.

"Oh my god, y/n, you could have died." He pulled you into a hug.

You rolled your eyes but chuckled a bit, "The years of training me finally paid off."

You both laughed as you walked back into the drug van.

"AYYEEEE, Y/N, NICE TO SEE YOU." Tommy came through the back door and lightly hit you on the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, nice to see you too big man." You respond and give both him, Eret and Tubbo a hug.

All five of you stand around the table and look at the map Wilbur made for planning attacks.

"What's this?" You point to a new line that leads to a rectangle labeled 'Final Control Room'

"Oh that? It's something I've been working on for a while." Eret started to roll up the map quickly, "I'll... show you guys later, it's not important now."

All of you share a few confused glances before going your own ways.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip?

It was now beginning to get dark out and you walked over to the gate to make sure no one was camping for a morning attack. You slowly opened the gate, knowing that if Wilbur heard you he would drag you back inside.

You peeked out into the forest in front of you and saw nothing.

'I guess they aren't planning on attacking tomorrow.'

You looked around for a few minutes with no disturbance but felt something rub against your shoulder. You turned to the side quickly and saw nothing.

You rapidly looked around, worried someone was near you but stopped when you looked and saw light grey particles slowing moving into the country. Your brain put two and two together and realized someone is in your land, someone who shouldn't be.

You quickly pull out a bottle filled with dark purple gas. You threw it towards the particles as hard as you could, causing the particles to whiz and a loud yell come from the person there.

After hearing the yell, Wilbur came outside running with a sword in his hand. "y/n? Who's here?" His voice was quick and loud.

"I- i don't know, someone came in with an invisibility potion and they are over there somewhere-"

Right after you finished your sentence Wilbur fell to the ground. You run over to him but get blocked by the person standing in front of him. Right on queue, the invisibility ran out and you noticed a familiar tall figure standing in front of you.

It was Dream.

His famous smile mask was staring down at you, only revealing the menacing smirk across his face.

You both stand there for a few moments before you break the silence.

"If you're gonna kill me just get it over with." You tried to hide the fear in your eyes.

He spins the sword around in his hand and stares down at you, "I could kill you now, but where's the fun in that?"

And without any other words, he slams the hilt of the sword down onto your head, making you crash to the ground.

Your head collides with the ground and after only getting one look at your brother also on the ground, you blackout.

A/N: Chapter one done, hope its pretty cool(881 words)

Go drink some water, you're too pretty to be dehydrated.

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