4- Taken

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~~~~~Tommy POV~~~~~

Tommy somehow made it back to L'manburg without getting caught or getting more hurt. Sapnap chased after him for a bit but Dream called him back pretty quickly, allowing Tommy to escape.

"Wil? Wil!" Tommy ran around L'manburg, trying to find Wilbur and tell him what happened.

"Tommy!" He heard his voice come from around the caravan and Wilbur started running towards him. "What happened? Where's y/n?"

Tommy fell into Wilburs arms and started crying, "My leg ...fire...Dream...I- I don't know Wil but she's gone."

Wilbur hugged Tommy and spoke quietly, "I need you to calm down, where did you split up?"

It took a few minutes, but Tommy finally stopped sobbing and could finally speak clearly.

"She was trying to stop the bleeding on my leg when a fire started in the forest." They started walking inside, "We ran but then we encountered Dream and we split up, I escaped Sapnap but I don't know where she went."

They sat down together, "It's all my fault." Tommy started to cry and placed the blame on himself for y/n's disappearance.

"It's okay Tommy we will find her, she will be safe."

~~~~~Y/N POV~~~~~

You wake up in an unfamiliar room, laying on a bed, with different clothes on than you had yesterday.

You looked around and realized you were alone. 'What?' You tried sitting up but your head was pounding.

'Where am I? Am I alive? Who changed me?'

Your mind was racing a mile a minute and you felt like you were going to explode until you heard the door open on the other side of the room.

The door opened and Dream walked through. You started to panic and you stood up quickly. Your vision went blind for a second but refocused a few seconds later.

"Oh good, you're awake." Dream walked into the room and sat in the chair a few feet away from the bed.

"Uh-" You didn't know what to say. All you could think of was escaping so you ran out of the room as quickly as possible.

You didn't get very far though since your leg wasn't healed yet and Dream was a lot faster than you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back into the room. All you could focus on was the sharp pain in your thigh so you barely even noticed Dream forcibly pulling you back.

"Sit down, this is your last chance." He practically threw you on the bed and sat back in his chair.

"Or what?" You smirked.

Dream sighed, "Shut up."

"You didn't answer my question." You stood up, walking closer to him.

"It's funny how you think that you have power here." He stood up as well, towering over you.

"Who says I don't?" You looked up at him.

"Me." He put his hands on your shoulders and pushed you down on the bed making you fall on your back. Dream put his arm next to your head and one of his knees beside your legs making him hover over you and trapping you.

He starts, "Listen to me, darling-"

You interrupt him, "Don't call m-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Dream grabbed onto your neck using the hand that isn't holding him up. He pressed hard on the sides and pushed on your neck, blocking your airway and making you turn red.

Dream smirked, "What would you like to be called? Dead?" He pressed harder.

You ripped at his hand, trying to loosen it but he didn't budge.

"I...can't...breathe." You croaked.

He leaned down closer to your ear, keeping the tension on your neck. He whispered, "That's the point, darling."

You could barely hear him say that because you were beginning to lose consciousness. Right before you blacked out he came back up and loosened the grip on your neck.

You sat up gasping for air, forcing him to stand up and take a step back. You touched your neck trying to relieve some of the pain and kept taking deep breaths.

After a few minutes, you glared up at him, "What the fuck is wrong with you."

He bent down until your faces were only inches apart, "We were just having some fun."

You turned around facing the wall, trying to show Dream that you didn't want to talk to him.

But he didn't take the hint because only a few seconds later he was sitting next to you on the bed.

You ignored him as best you could but curiosity took over your brain and you finally spoke up, "Why am I here? Where's Eret? Who changed my clothes? Can I leave?"

Dream turned to you and took a moment to comprehend what you said before speaking, "Because I took you, he's around, my friend did, and no."

You got up from the bed and walked over to the door but Dream didn't try to stop you. The door was locked so you couldn't leave but you tried to pull it open anyway.

"It's not gonna open." Dream turned to face you.

"Leave." You pointed towards the door.


He stood up from the bed and opened the door, slightly brushing against you as he walked away.

He closed the door quickly so that you couldn't get out even though you tried. You heard the door lock and your shoulders dropped.

You walked back over to the bed, plopping down on the mattress. Your neck still had lingering pain but it wasn't as bad as the pain in your leg.

After sitting there for about an hour doing nothing, you got bored so you looked around the room some more.

There was a high window right above the bed that had a platform on it to sit. There was a folding chair in the corner and a comfy chair a few feet away from the bed. A door was on the opposite wall from the main one and it led to a small, dark bathroom. Other things like little books and gadgets entertained you for the majority of the day but once the sun started to set, you got pretty bored.

You sat on the window sill, thinking of ways you could escape without anyone hearing you. You thought about ways to make weapons with the things in the room and before you knew it, the sun had set and the forest outside your window was almost pitch black.

You walked off the window sill and started to get into bed but before you could settle you heard rustling outside the window so you went to investigate.

You looked out the window into the dark forest and darted your head to the side when you heard a very familiar voice,

"y/n, it's me."

A/N haha...kinky(1132 words)

Tell me if there's something about my writing you think I could improve on because I'm kind of new to this and make a lot of mistakes lol



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