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(TW: Sexual assault)

~~~~~Dream POV~~~~~

"My name is y/n Soot, and you are playing my game now."

Dream's heart stopped. He looked up at the girl standing on the stage. She had a menacing smirk and looked powerful.

'Why is she siding with Schlatt? Do her friends and family mean nothing to her?'

It stunned the crowd along with him. Everyone was whispering to each other about y/n.

He accidentally made eye contact with her, "Manburg will rule over all. You want a fight? I'll bring a war." She kept looking at him.

"George?" Dream whispered and tapped George's arm.

"I don't know either Dream." He whispered back.

Dream brought his head down and looked at his feet. His whole body was shaking from the confusion flooding his brain. He knew she hated him but not enough to side with Schlatt.

The whole crowd went silent which caught Dream's attention. He looked at the stage and saw y/n walking away from the podium and next to Quackity. Schlatt stood in front of the microphone and tapped it a few times.

"Heroes. Villains. We are all somewhere in between. I don't care who you claim to be, 'cause you're wrong. People say a lot of things, and I watch, as they lie. Lie. Lie!" He slammed his hand on the podium in front of him. "But none of you realize it. Open your fucking eyes! You're all stupid, and you know what stupid gets you? It gets you killed!"

Dream turned his gaze over to y/n. She was looking directly at him. He turned his head slightly in confusion. 'Why does she look scared?'

Her eyes quickly glanced down to her own arm that was crossed over her other. She was tapping two of her fingers against it. She looked back and forth between Dream and her arm before looking back to the rest of the crowd.

Dream remembered what George told him yesterday when they went out looking for her.

"Wherever she is, I'm sure she has a plan."

"Wha~" Dream whispered.

He kept staring at her tapping her arm before finally realizing. He paid attention very closely to her movements "Short, short, short, short. H." He took a mental note. "Short. E."

"Dream what are you do-" George leaned over to Dream.

"Shut up." He pushed George away, not meeting his eyes.

"Short, long, short, short. L."

Schlatt was still talking and y/n was still tapping her finger. She would look at Dream every so often to make sure he was understanding.

'Long, long.'


"Help...me." His eyes widened and he looked at y/n. She mouthed 'please' with a single tear dropping from her eye. Quackity looked towards Dream and forcefully pulled y/n off the stage and into a room where Dream couldn't see her.

"George." He turned his head slowly, still in shock by his discovery. "We need to leave. Now."

"Wha- I thought we were supposed to stay here to gather information?" George looked towards Dream then back at the stage.

"I said we are leaving." Without hesitation, he pulled George up and walked away with him.

They walked into a nearby building and made sure no one was around.

Burning Love- Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now