20- You Are Playing My Game

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"My first decree as the president of L'manburg...The emperor of this great country!...Is to revoke! the citizenship...of Wilbur Soot, and Tommyinnit!"

Your heart dropped. Everyone in the crowd turned to look at the two boys sitting a few seats away from you. Soldiers from the other side started running into your row, trying to grab Tommy and Wilbur.

"Wil, you need to go now!" You yelled and pulled his wrist, making him stand up and fall towards you. "They are gonna kill you! Go!" Tommy and Wilbur ran past everyone and sprinted out of Manburg. Dream wouldn't let you go with them, which made you tremble in your seat.

After a few minutes, Tommy and Wilbur were out of L'manburg and out of your view. They ran in the southwest direction of the stage, which you took note of.

The entire crowd turned to chaos, and you used this opportunity to sneak away. You made sure Dream wasn't watching before you ran into all the people running around, making yourself blend in. You sneaked away from the main crowd and into the direction Wilbur ran with no one seeing you.

The sun was only just starting to set as you jogged through the woods, trying to find any signs of Wilbur or Tommy. You were alone, in a big forest, and with no sense of direction. It scared you but you had to be brave if you ever wanted to find your friends.

You didn't think about how dangerous your situation was. No one knew where you were, you were miles away from L'manburg, and you were too weak to fight off any threat that came your way.

You only just realized how screwed you were when a man popped out from behind a tree and grabbed you. You tried running but they stopped you by holding a knife to your neck.

You turned to look but didn't recognize them. They had brown fluffy hair and a very soft-looking face. He wore a purple sweatshirt with colored sleeves that had a swirl across the front.

"Get on the ground." The man shoved your shoulders which almost caused you to fall down. "I said get on the ground!" He kicked at the back of your knee made your leg give out and you tumbled to the ground.

Your face slammed against the dirt floor. You rolled onto your back and started using your legs to push you away from the man. Since he was on his feet, he was a lot faster than you so he caught you easily.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." He aggressively wrapped a blindfold around your eyes and rope around your hands, making you completely helpless.

"Where are you taking me?" You said, out of breath.

"Shut up and walk." He pulled you up off the ground and started dragging you along.

You kicked and screamed, praying that someone would hear you but lost hope very quickly. You just hoped that wherever this man was taking you was not an immediate death trap.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

"Take off her blindfold." A familiar voice broke the silence in the room.

Your eyes squinted from the sudden bright light shining into your face. It took a few seconds for you to adjust but when you did your eyes filled with terror. It was Jschlatt, standing in front of you, with a crossbow in his hand.

(Hi I just want to say that crossbows are the equivalent to guns in this story but there are no guns in Minecraft so I just kept it as crossbows to keep it more realistic)

"Big strong Dream can't help you now, you're all alone." Schlatt took a step forward towards you.

"Karl." He looked over at the man standing next to you, "You are dismissed."

Karl left the room quickly which left you and Schlatt in there, alone.

"What do you want from me?" You gave him a dirty look.

"I want you on my side, pretty girl." He grabbed your wrist.

You looked down at it and tried pulling your wrist away but his grip was stronger. You struggled for a moment until he pinned your wrist above your head on the wall behind you which made you unable to move.

"I'd rather die than join you."

"If that's what you want." He smirked before raising his free hand and punching you right in the jaw.

He punched you multiple times until you were too weak to stand. You collapsed onto the concrete floor and looked up at him.

"I'm not going to actually kill you obviously. You're too pretty for that. But, if you don't start behaving I'll keep hitting you like this." He held out his hand for you to take.

You hesitantly took up and stood up. Schlatt brought you out of the room and into a new one that looked like an office.

~~~~~Dream POV~~~~~

"Where is she!" Dream ran around L'manburg, asking everyone if they had seen y/n. "You sure you didn't see her leave?" Dream turned to George.

George shook his head before peeking his head into a new building, disappointed to see no one in there.

They continued to run around and search through every building. After a few hours of aimless searching, they decided to sit back where they started.

"I swear she was right here, sitting next to me." Dream's voice cracked, "What if I really lost her, George?"

George pulled Dream in for a hug and wiped the tears falling from his eyes, "She isn't an idiot Dream. Wherever she is I'm sure she has a plan."

"Alright." Dream took a deep breath, "Thank you, George."

They both stood up and continued to search. They searched all through the night. They looked around every tree, in every lake, and in every building for any sign of y/n but nothing was found.

~~~~~Y/N POV~~~~~

"Shoulders back, eyes up, smile on." Schlatt tightened the corset attached to the dark red dress you were wearing.

You looked down at yourself. Your dress poofed out in every direction and had gold lining all around it. Your hair and makeup were done all nice and you were wearing high heels. Everything about this outfit did not fit your personality but nothing is wrong with trying something new, so you just rolled with it.

"I'm not so sure about this." You looked towards Schlatt but he pushed your chin back so you were facing forward.

"All you have to do is look pretty and intimidating. Can you do that for me?" You walked around so that he was facing you.

"I guess." 

He snapped in your face.


"There we go." He grazed his hand across your face lightly.

Schlatt held your hand and walked you out of the door. He stood you next to Quackity and right in front of the main podium on the stage. You walked up to the microphone and waited for the crowd to settle. Everything in your body was frozen but you made it look like you were confident on the outside.

"May I have your attention please?" You said into the microphone so that the crowd would calm down.

"Citizens of Manburg, I have come to speak to you."

You smirked and looked directly into the crowd of people, watching as every one of their faces looked worried.

"My name is y/n Soot, and you are playing my game now."

A/N: I legit have been wanting to write this since November of 2020 and I finally did it yall. (1213 Words)

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