26- In Another Life

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After a moment he pulled you closer and smiled, "Y/n. How do you feel about self-sacrifice?"

You paused for a moment, "...What?"

"You know, like what your father did."

"I- I don't kn-"

He tucked some loose hair behind your ear, "Well you know what I think of it? It's great." He hugged his arm around your back, "Y/n, will you sacrifice yourself...with me?"

You were stunned and didn't know what to say. You had never really thought about sacrificing yourself to help the future generation until now. Dream didn't give you much time to think though since he was staring at you, waiting for your response.

You turned to face the edge of the cliff and looked out at the colorful sunset. The birds were still chirping and the faint sound of a waterfall crashing in the distance.

You thought of George and how he was the only reason your stay at Dream's was bearable. You thought of Tommy, so young, so vulnerable. And Tubbo who was left to lead a country at seventeen years old.

A single tear fell from your eye as you grabbed onto Dream's hand tightly. You looked up at the sky one final time before looking into Dream's eyes, "Together."

He squeezed your hand, "Together."

You both took a step forward and held each other's hands.

You took one final look at the world around you and after a deep, long breath,

you jumped.

~~~~~3rd Person POV~~~~~

Sapnap was the first to find y/n and Dream's bodies. They were curled up next to one another and their hands were intertwined.

Very few people actually attended the funeral as many thought they were not going to be able to handle it.

George stayed in his room for days, no one heard from him until he was forced out of the house for a presidential meeting. He faked a smile the whole time and everyone knew it.

Tommy and Tubbo let it hurt for a while until they realized this is what y/n wanted, to sacrifice herself so that she could help them when they needed it. They went on to help rebuild L'manburg in honor of y/n and Dream.

Sapnap acted like it didn't hurt but everyone knew his heart was broken inside.

A memorial was put up to honor them and to spread awareness. Very few people knew why they actually did it, but the people who did knew that if they said anything, it would create a bigger issue than they could handle at the moment.

~~~~~3 months later~~~~~

Even months after, Tommy still felt like y/n was with him. He would see bright blue shimmers out of the corner of his eye during stressful situations. Sometimes he would hear her voice at night, telling him that it would be okay. He held onto those memories because that is all he had left of her.

He went on to rule alongside Tubbo. They finished building L'manburg, and the memorial for y/n and Dream was set up on top of a hill. The sun would hit it in such a perfect way at exactly 6:08 in the evening. Tommy would look at it every day before going back home. He would talk to her, hoping she would answer one day, but she never did.

He kneeled down and looked at her face on the statue,

"...In another life."

A/N: Okay I hate the way I ended this but I had no other way to do it. (599 Words)

Also I just want you to know that I would rather listen to your story, than attend your funeral so take care of yourself please, I love you.

Thank you so much for reading AHHHH

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