19- A Celebration of Democracy

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"Y/n." Dream grabbed onto your hand, "Run."

You both took off in the opposite direction but it wasn't fast enough. Within seconds, Schlatt threw down the potion next to your feet, releasing small blue particles into the air.

Dream took you in his arms and tried hiding your face in his chest, but the smoke got into your nose anyway. You felt his grip get weaker around you at the same time that you noticed your eyes struggling to stay open.

You got one last glance at Schlatt, who was taking slow steps towards both of you, "You can't escape me! Schlatt 2020!"

His voice was the last thing you heard before the blue gas took over your entire body.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

You woke up in an unfamiliar room. It had no windows and was covered in buttons. No one was in there and everything seemed off. You stood up slowly before exiting the door to your right.

"Woah." You mumbled as you looked up at the tall, ravine-looking space you were now inside.

"Y/n you're awake!" Before you could determine who was speaking to you, a body crashed into you and gave you the biggest hug you have had in a long time.

You pulled away and looked at the person. It was Tommy.

You were speechless and shaking. "Wha~" You shed a tear before pulling him into another hug. "I th- I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead, Tommy."

"I'm right here."

You pulled away once again, "But wait no. I watched you... die and- and Wilbur walked away. I saw it with my own eyes.

"I wasn't dead y/n. They brought me back after you left and fixed me up. I'm all good." Tommy gave you a weak smile and pointed to his stomach where the wound was. He lifted up his shirt a bit to show you the bandages that were wrapped around his torso.

You did the same, "Looks like we both cheated death huh?"

Both of you chuckled but quickly turned around when you heard noise from the other side of the room. Wilbur, Dream, and Tubbo all entered the room and you immediately ran over to them.

You engulfed Tubbo and Wilbur in a group hug. They returned it and all of you laughed.

"Yay family reunion but let's get back to the main problem." Dream tapped you on the shoulder.

"Wait why are you guys not murdering each other? And where am I?" You looked at all of them. None of them seemed to be as confused as you were which just made you even more confused.

"Y/n." Wilbur grabbed your upper arm and started walking you away from the group, "We teamed up after Schlatt won the election. He took over the country and we need it back."

"Who's Schlatt? What election? I thought you wanted L'manburg's independence." You couldn't remember anything. Your brain seemed to have a layer of fog replacing the memories from the last day.

"Wait you didn't tell her?" Wilbur looked over his shoulder at Dream.

"I- um...no." Dream jogged over to you and grabbed one of your hands, "Jschlatt is a man who ran against your brother in the election. After he won he took over the country and became a dictator. We need to stop him."

"Why didn't I know about this?"

Dream hesitated, "...Because Schlatt used a memory loss potion on us two days ago. You were asleep all of yesterday and missed the election."

You started walking back over to everyone and Dream followed you. "Us? Why didn't you forget everything then?"

"No offense, but I'm a lot bigger and stronger than you." He chuckled, "Which means that I didn't get affected as much. Like how bigger people need more anesthesia to fall asleep, the potion wasn't strong enough to affect me as much as it affected you."

You nodded, "So what you're saying is...you're fat?" You smirked and heard a few quiet laughs behind you.

"I'm actually calling you small but if me being fat brings you amusement then I guess I'm fat."

The two of you just stayed silent and looked at each other for a few seconds.

"I hate love. This is so cringe." Tommy came in between you two, making you guys break eye contact and flashback into reality.

'Why does my stomach feel like that?'

All of you walked together out of the ravine and met up with Sapnap and George. You didn't know where Eret was but you didn't want to talk to him anyway so you were fine with him not being present. All of you made your way to L'manburg quietly and stopped at the main stage in the middle of the country.

A tall unfamiliar man was standing in the middle behind a podium and was adjusting the microphone. All of you took your seats, not wanting to cause a scene.

You were sitting in between Dream and George and had a very pretty girl sitting in front of you. She had pink hair and wore round glasses. She turned around and you both exchanged a smile but didn't say anything. You assumed she recognized you since she seemed surprised when looking at you but you didn't know how she would know you.

You looked around at everyone in the crowd and saw a lot of new faces but also saw some you knew. Wilbur's son was a few rows in front of you who you had only spoken to a few times since he didn't live very close.

BadBoyHalo, Punz, and Skeppy were all there too but you had never spoken to any of them. You only recognized them from stories Wilbur and George told you or seeing them walk around the server occasionally.

"Hey. Where's Tubbo?" You leaned over and whispered to Dream.

"He has some business to deal with. It's better if you don't know."

"No, tell me. I think I deserve to know." You tugged at his sleeve to try and get his attention.

He leaned closer to you until your faces were only about an inch apart. "You. deserve. nothing."

"Wha-" He cut you off by placing his finger over your lips.


Dream turned your face so that you were looking up at the stage when the man started talking.

"Welcome everyone! I am your president, Jschlatt. Let's have a festival!"

'Schlatt? Where have I heard that before?'

"I want to drive home the idea that this celebration will be about Manburg."

'Did they change the name? Who allowed that?'

"This will be a celebration of democracy, law, and the new era of peace."

You looked over at Tubbo. He looked scared. Why was he up on stage with the enemy and why weren't you allowed to know?

It had been a few minutes of Schlatt talking and the crowd cheering. You were too busy thinking of the answers to your questions that you didn't pay attention to what he was saying. All you knew was that Dream was getting very frustrated.

"My first decree as the president of L'manburg. The emperor of this great country! Is to revoke! the citizenship...of Wilbur Soot, and Tommyinnit!"

A/N: I'm aware the end sounds really bad but I couldn't figure out a way to make him sound intimidating while also using quotes from the real lore. Idk just role with it aye? (1185 Words)

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