12- May We Meet Again

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"We are leaving tomorrow, and you are going to watch, as I murder your best friend."

Dream left the room without saying anything else. Your eyes darted around the room and you felt your heartbeat speed up.

'He didn't mean that, right? If he hates me so much, why doesn't he just let me go?'

You picked at your fingers and nails aggressively as your mind raced with thoughts. You did everything in your power to not imagine the scene out in your head, but it was inevitable.

Tommy reaching in his bag to grab another arrow would be the perfect chest shot for Dream. The smooth wooden arrow gliding through the air directly into Tommy's heart. It nearly made you throw up just thinking about it.

You gagged a few times, and you pinched your thumb and pointer finger on the bridge of your nose. 'Stop thinking about it, you're just going to make it worse.'

You didn't even know what time it was. All you knew was that you were tired as fuck and your body felt like it was on fire.

It burned like that one time your brother accidentally hit you into a pit of lava next to one of the portals on the SMP. The only reason you lived was because six-year-old Tommy accidentally dumped the water bucket over the pit you had fallen into.

You smiled at the happy memories finally overtaking your brain and you ended up closing your eyes. You replayed many memories of your childhood. Like the time Wilbur almost summoned the Wither after rummaging through your dad's old stuff. Or when you dragged Tubbo across a forest in a boat with a lead because he was too young to walk.

You managed to fall asleep peacefully, forgetting about the hell hole you were living in.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

"Fine, I'll do this the hard way." You heard a voice say from over your head. You barely comprehend what they were saying before you got a big smack to the face.

You opened your eyes quickly and saw George standing by the side of your bed, "What the actual fuck, George." You put your elbows behind you on the bed so that you were sitting up halfway.

"You weren't waking up. I had to."

"I still hate you for that." You fully sat up now, surprised that your stomach didn't hurt as bad as it did the day before.

"Yeah I know you do, But I can live with that, unlike some people." As if it was scripted, Dream waltzed into your room and stood directly next to George.

"We are leaving. Get up." He unraveled the rope in his hands a bit.

"He's still pissed because I wouldn't let him touch me." You whispered into George's ear and you both laughed hysterically.

"What are you two laughing about?" He grabbed your wrists and tied them up in the ropes tightly.

"Nothing," George answered quickly, still trying to contain his laughter.

"Oh yeah I'm sure, I'm sure." He pulled at your wrists. "Come on, let's go watch Tommy die shall we?" He looked down at you, smirking and pulling the rope on your wrists even tighter.

"Fuck you." You squinted your eyes at him.

"Maybe. Not now though." He turned around before you could give him a response.

George started laughing again next to you all the way down the hallway because of Dream's comment.

~~~~~Mini Time Skip~~~~~

You guys were walking through the forest at a pretty steady pace which was hurting your leg but Dream threatened to carry you if you didn't shut up about it so you just kept your mouth shut.

Burning Love- Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now