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'Prison Placeholder'

You thought little of it and just set it back down on the top of the desk. You closed the drawer and walked away.

Your eyes anxiously searched around the room for something to do. They paused at a tall door across the room from you. The door was off white and had a gold design all over it. You walked closer to it and turned the handle.

It led to an enormous bathroom that surprisingly smelled great. The walls were black with gold embedded into them. The furniture, sinks, and bathtub were made of marble and the ground was layered in tile.

You walked over to the shower and opened up the door. 'I haven't showered since I got here.'

You took your clothes off and walk into the shower. It wasn't that difficult to turn on and get the right temperature. The water landed on your wounds. It hurt, but you needed it. If you didn't clean them soon then they would become infected again.

Everything was peaceful and all you could hear was the running water. You didn't even care about the products Dream had in his shower, you just wanted to sit under the warm stream. You just hoped no one would hear you and walk in on you naked.

You closed your eyes and imagined yourself back home, sitting under the nearby waterfall with your friends. The glory didn't last long though. You jumped when you heard someone banging on the door.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" It was Dream.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You ran your hands through your hair.

"Okay, I have your food and a non-bloody pair of clothes for you out here when you're done."

You didn't respond. 

Quickly, you turned the shower off and hobbled out into the main space. You hugged yourself to try and stay warm from the cool air that was suddenly hitting your body. You scurried over to a shelf filled with towels and quickly wrapped one around your body.

You let out a sigh of relief and made your way towards the door. You opened the door and looked directly at Dream. He was staring in your direction, right at you. You bent down to your side and grabbed the clothes on the table next to the door then walked back into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.

You heard Dream walk closer to the door, "Come out."

"I'm naked."

"That's the point."

You chuckled a bit, "You're disgusting." You knew he was joking but you weren't going to give up an excuse to insult him.

You got dressed and exited the room, glaring at Dream before walking onto the bed. You ran your fingers through your dripping hair and shivered from the cold air hitting your damp skin.

Your eyes glanced up for a second at Dream. He was walking closer to you. You looked back towards the ground and wrapped your hands around your arms. While biting your cheek and tapping your foot on the ground, you nervously waited for him to stop moving. Anxiously, you watched his footsteps come into your view and listened to them get closer to you. You flinched as you felt the bed sink next to you.

He was sitting right next to you, both of your shoulders were touching and his leg hit your thigh as he sat down. You remembered all the things he previously said to you.

'Already? Alright.'

'Maybe. Not now though'

'Come out.'

'That's the point.'

Your breath stopped and you tried moving away from him, desperately trying to create a comfortable space between you.

"What are you doing, princess?" He tried wrapping his arm around your waist but you pulled it away.

"I'm... not comfortable with that." For some reason, you were scared to approach him about how anxious you felt.

"Oh is this because of my comment? Y/n you know I was just joking. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry." He moved closer to you again and put his hand on top of yours.

"You don't need to be that close to me." You pulled away again.


"I said you don't need to be that close to me!" You stood up and took a step back from the bed.

"You won't stop touching me! I tell you to stop and you don't! You're always touching me!" Your voice cracked a few times.

"Princess I'm-"

"Don't call me that!" You interrupted.

"Let me talk." His voice was stern which made you freeze up. "I didn't think you felt uncomfortable when I did it. I don't even think about it when I do it, I'm sorry."

"Was 'stop it' and 'don't touch me' not enough of a hint for you?" You were in disbelief. How did he not realize you were uncomfortable sooner? Why did he want to be touching you all the time?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking."

"I think you should leave." You pointed towards the door.

"You don't make the rules here." He stood up close to you.




Dream didn't say anything, he just sighed and walked away. He turned back to look at you for a split second before holding onto the handle and opening the door a jar.

"By the way princess, I know you searched through my drawer."

A/N: Kinda a filler chapter so, sorry if it was boring but whatever. Also how tf do I make an interesting title? It takes me like 5 minutes to figure it out.

Burning Love- Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now