7- She's Gone, Tubbo

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"Tommy! Tubbo! Let's go!" Wilbur gathered his sword and backpack while he waited for the other boys to meet up with him.

"We are here. Okay, are you guys ready?" Tommy spoke, putting his bag around his shoulders and clapping his hands together a few times.

"As ready as I'm going to be," Tubbo took a few deep breaths before walking out the door.

All three of them took a deep breath before walking out of the caravan and towards the gate of L'manburg.

Wilbur opened the gate and let the younger boys out before closing the gate again. Wilbur rattled the key in his hand, hoping that one of the younger boys would take the lead.

Wilbur finally started walking and waited for the other boys to catch up, "We can't split up, so we are all going to stay together, investigate everything that looks out of place and keep your ears open."

The boys nodded and followed Wilbur into the same woods that Tommy and y/n had been in the day she went missing. Luckily, someone had already put out the fire that engulfed half of the forest.

Tommy got goosebumps on the back of his neck after looking around and replaying that day in his mind.

"She went this way." Tommy pointed to the direction y/n had run when they had originally split up.

Tubbo and Wilbur followed Tommy and they searched the ground for any signs of y/n being there at some point.

"Guys look." Tubbo crouched down to something on the floor.

The other two crouched down next to him as well and looked at the shiny object on the ground.

It was the dull iron sword y/n had found on the floor the day she saved Tommy's life. There were a few leaves covering it but Tommy still recognized it.

Tommy also noticed a dried patch of blood a few feet away from where they were all sitting. "Oh my god." He stood up completely and went over to it.

"Tommy." Wilbur pointed a few feet further away from the blood at a trail of small red droplets in a line.

Tommy ran over to it and realized it was leading to something. He ushered Tubbo and Wilbur to follow him all the way down the trail of what they assumed to be y/n's blood.

After a while of walking, they all looked up in disbelief. The trail they had been following led to a huge castle surrounded by tall walls.

Wilbur felt sick, he wanted to sit down with everyone and feel safe. He wanted the war to be over, for y/n to be back home and in his arms. But he knew that couldn't happen after seeing where she went.

"Surely not." Tubbo spoke, trying to hold back his tears.

"Look at it Tubbo! That's where she went!" Wilbur yelled. He was mad that the people he hated most had most likely taken his little sister, "Sorry."

"Maybe it wasn't her blood. Is it possible that she won the fight against Dream and ran away without the weapon." Tommy's voice got less confident with each word, realizing that what he guessed was nearly impossible to be true. He looked around frantically, trying to find the words to describe how he was feeling.

Wilbur started to cry, realizing that his sister was most likely murdered in that castle and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't say 'I love you' one more time or do anything to help her, she was gone.

They all started to walk back, not speaking to one another. It was completely silent other than the occasional sniffle from one of them or the leaves crunching on the ground.

They made their way back to L'manburg, splitting up and spending the next few hours alone, mourning the death of the girl they all loved so much.

~~~~~Dream POV~~~~~

Dream carried y/n into the medical room of the castle. He watched as she slowly faded in and out of consciousness. The blood on her leg kept dripping down onto the floor and into his sleeve, staining it a dark red.

He set her down on the bed in the medical room and went to the cabinet, grabbing new bandages and rubbing alcohol.

"Huh?" A quiet voice spoke from behind him.

Dream turned around and saw y/n sitting up. He dropped the things in his hands and laid her back down. "Hey darling, lay back down please."

"Stop it, I'm fine." Her voice was still sleepy.

"No you're not, please lay back down." She was still trying to sit up but he fought against her and ended up winning. "Thank you."

Dream walked back and grabbed the bandages and rubbing alcohol off the ground. He walked over to the bed and started unwrapping the bandages off of y/n's thigh. He put the blood-stained wrap in the trashcan and started to open the rubbing alcohol.

"No, that shit hurts." She protested.

"I know, but so does an infected wound." He continued to open the bottle and move it over her leg.

Y/N tensed up her leg as Dream began to pour the liquid over her wound. The liquid hissed and fizzed up all over her leg. Y/N breathed in sharply and grabbed the part of her leg that was right above the wound, trying to stop some of the pain.

Eventually, the rubbing alcohol stopped bubbling and y/n relaxed her leg. Dream wiped it off and began preparing the bandage.

"Why are you helping me?" y/n spoke.

"I'm bored." He smiled.

Y/N chuckled at his response.

Dream finally finished wrapping her leg up in new bandages. He put everything away and threw away the trash before walking back over to her.

"My clothes are all bloody now."

"I didn't realize this was a fashion show but I can get you new ones if that's what you want." He looked into her eyes, for once they weren't hostile, they looked calm.

The moment didn't last long though, "Fuck you." Her eyes were back to the dark and mean stare she carried all the time.

He smiled at her and helped her up from the bed. She didn't like it, but he wrapped his arm around her waist in order to help her walk. The two of them walked slowly back to her room.

"Sit here, I'll get the clothes for you." He helped her sit down on her bed.

Dream started to walk away but stopped when he heard y/n's voice, "You still haven't told me why you're keeping me here."

"Because you're needed. You're a good fighter and we need you on our side to fight." He turned around to look at her.

"I'm not-" She was interrupted by Dream.

"I know. You're 'not fighting on Dream's side'." He mocked her. "But I'm still keeping you here."

She crossed her arms and looked over at the door, trying to communicate that she wanted Dream to leave. He understood and left the room, locking the door on the way out.

Dream walked down the hallway and up the stairs to where they kept the extra supplies. On his way, he was stopped by Eret, "Dream." Eret grabbed onto Dream's arm, stopping him from walking any further, "Has she asked about me yet? I don't want her to be mad at me."

Dream turned to face Eret, "I think she's going to be mad at you no matter what you do. But no, she hasn't asked about you." Dream pulled his arm away from Eret's grip and went on his way.

A/N: Random fact about my life. I write this story like 5 chapters in advance so that if I get a lot of school work or something, I still have something to post and the one I'm about to write is gonna take FOREVER so im kinda putting it off for later but i think the way im planning on writing it is cool . Wish me luck.

Go drink some water and get some sunlight so you can photosynthesis and become a plant, love you lol(1353 Words)



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