8- Get out

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~~~~~Eret's POV~~~~~

Eret walked down the stairs and over to the room y/n was staying in. He knew she was going to be furious at him, but he needed to talk to her. He grabbed the door and slowly turned the lock.

He then reached down for the handle and opened the door slowly. Eret looked over at the bed and noticed y/n trying to stand up. She was using the headboard to balance her weight, but it wasn't working. He quickly walked over and grabbed her arm and shoulder, helping her stand up.

She snapped her head up, being startled by the sudden weight helping her up. She ripped her arm away and fell back on the bed after realizing who was next to her.

"Get out." She avoided making eye contact with him and she scooted to the back edge of the bed.

"I'm not trying to hurt you."

"I don't want to talk to you, Eret." Her eyes were filled with fear and she looked like she was going to pass out.

"I need to speak to you." He began sitting on the bed.

She tried scooting further away from him but she hit a wall. When Eret wouldn't stop trying to talk to her she reached her arm out and smacked him in the face. Hard. "I said get out!"

Right after she said that she heard Dream bursting into the room, with her new clothes in his hand and an axe in the other.

Eret stood up and pointed to the axe, "What the hell, Dream."

"Oh, I thought someone broke in." Dream relaxed his shoulders more.

"Someone did." y/n sounded very annoyed.

"y/n, Eret isn't dangerous." Dream walked over to the bed and put the clothes on her bed.
They both looked at her, "Okay well we will get out so you can change, but tell me you're done, I need to talk to you." Dream led Eret out of the room.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She waited for them to get out of the room.

~~~~~Y/N POV~~~~~

You waited for the two men to walk out of your room and close the door before finally grabbing the new clothes and putting them on.
A few minutes later you were still struggling to get them on.

"How long does it take to put on a pair of clothes, oh my god." Dream hit the door.

"I don't know if you remember, but I can barely stand up." You responded.

"Whatever, just hurry."

After another few minutes, you were completely changed into your new clothes.

You were in some black sweatpants and a tight-fitting tank top. There was also a jacket, but it was pretty hot in your room, so you decided not to put it on.

"Okay, you can come in now." You sat back on the bed, exhausted from trying to put your clothes on while standing on one leg.

Dream opened the door and walked over to the chair near the bed. He turned it so that he could face you. He sat in it and rested his elbows on his knees. "We are going to L'manburg right now."

You looked up at him and smiled, hoping he was letting you go back home forever.
"But don't get your hopes up, we are going there strictly for business purposes. Your hands will be bound and you will have someone supervising you at all times." Your stomach dropped after hearing that.

"Can I at least talk to my friends?"

"We'll see."

Dream stood up and walked over to you. He tried pulling you up, but you resisted. "I'm not going anywhere until you give me food."

"Oh, come on." He pulled your arm up again.

"Give me food." You crossed your arms and avoided eye contact with him.

"Fine, I'll bring you a snack and then we are leavingggg." He drew out the last word as he started walking out of the room.

It annoyed you that he was only going to bring you a snack since you hadn't gotten food at all today or yesterday, but at least you would not be fully starving now.

After a few minutes, he brought you back a bowl of yogurt and fruit. "Ew." You always hated yogurt, you thought it tasted like something that would come out of a slug.

"Okay, then starve." He reached for the bowl.

"No." You grabbed a spoonful of yogurt out of the bowl. "Fine."

He sat there, watching you eat, which you found very weird but didn't have the energy to start another fight so you just let him be.
You finally finished, almost throwing up from the gross taste in your mouth. You put the bowl on the nightstand and stood up to the best of your ability.

Dream forcefully grabbed both of your wrists into one of your hands and started leading you out of the room, but you stopped.

"I can't walk." You stated.

He faced you, holding out his free arm, "Do you want me to carry you?"


"Then walk."

You rolled your eyes but began limping out into the hallway. You were walking slowly, which you could tell was annoying Dream, but you weren't about to get carried all the way to L'manburg by your enemy.

"Okay, that's it." He let go of your hands and grabbed the top of your back and around your knees, picking you up.

You punched his arm, trying to loosen his grip on you so you could get back down, but you didn't succeed.

He carried you all the way to the main living space where Eret, George, and Sapnap were all sitting. You glared at Eret but he just smiled back, which annoyed you so you flipped him off. He just kept smiling.

All five of you left the castle and were on your way back to your home, L'manburg.

A/N- I couldn't think of a cliffhanger for this one so you are just gonna have to act like something crazy happened. 

ALSO please go to -WaywardMendxss- account and read their thing titled 'IMPORTANT'. Even if you can't donate, still reading about it and spreading the word can really help and make a huge difference.

Hey, you wanna hear a fun fact? I don't care you're hearing it anyway. Right now, the only thing I wanna ride more than you, is a zebra.

sorry that was weird I'll stop


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