9-Give me my sister back

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All five of you stood right inside the gates of L'manburg, waiting for Wilbur and your friends to come out. Your arm was hanging around Dream's shoulder and his arm was supporting you around your waist so that you wouldn't fall over.

Your eyes darted around the country, looking at the renovations they had made since the last time you were here.

After a few minutes of standing in silence, Wilbur emerged from L'manburg and started walking towards you.

He stood about ten feet away from you guys, "You're late."

"She wanted a snack." Dream said, pointed towards you.

You smiled at Tommy, who started laughing at you but quickly stopped when Wilbur punched him in the shoulder.

"So, you wanted to talk to us?" Dream spoke.

"Yes, give me my sister back." Wilbur started walking toward you, but Sapnap blocked his path.

"I don't think that will be necessary," Sapnap spoke sternly.

He pushed Wilbur back to where he was originally standing and walked back until he was at your side again.

"Is that all you wanted?" Dream asked.


Dream didn't respond, instead, he just waited for what they were going to ask.

"We want our independence, without harm to any of our friends." Wilbur stated and looked over at you.

You focused your eyes towards the ground. You cringed at Wilbur's silly request. Obviously, Dream would not give L'manburg their independence. He hated the country and loved power. It was useless.

Dream gripped onto your waist tighter, pulling you directly up to his side and keeping you from moving away. "No."

"Why not?" Everyone on the other side asked.

"You wanna know why?" They all nodded, "because it's just a stupid little game you're playing. You think you can create a country here? This is my SMP!" His voice was beaming through your eardrums. "George, grab the flint and steel."

You looked up at Dream in disbelief. How could he get so mad so quickly?

A couple of words were exchanged between Dream and George, but you didn't listen closely. George walked in front of you all and Dream started pulling you backward, away from L'manburg. But you resisted.

"No!" You pulled out of his grip and started limping over to Wilbur. For some reason, he didn't stop you and only laughed at you.

"If you keep walking, L'manburg is going down with you in it." You kept walking. "You can stop this." You didn't turn back to look at Dream as you kept limping closer to your friends.

"If that's what you want, then so be it. George, light it up."

You heard the sharp sound of flint and steel being flicked together and you immediately turned around. There was a block of TNT only about twenty feet away from you. "Guys... Run!" You hobbled away as fast as you could, but it wasn't far enough.

The ground rumbled beneath your feet. Your entire body tensed as a wave of force pushed you into the air. Your limbs fell weak and your head pounded. As you were falling back to the shattered ground, you saw a glimpse of the white mask staring at you through the dusty air.

Your back contacted the ground, sending a wave of pain and shock through your entire body. Your ears were ringing and your eyes were strained. Your hand drifted down to your stomach, feeling it cover your fingers with warm blood escaping from your chest.

Everything in your body was burning and you started coughing up your own blood. The red liquid was spurring out of your mouth and back onto your face and shirt. You couldn't breathe and your whole body began shaking from the impact. All you could think about was dying.

You scrunched your nose and tried to look up at the sky, but your eyes wouldn't open any further. All you could see was an outline of Sapnap's body standing over you.

You finally closed your eyes, losing all feeling in your muscles and letting your bones collapse on the floor with you.

After only a few seconds, you entered a room. The room encased your body with a bright light surrounding you like walls. Around it was a row of flowers, roses, you assumed but were unsure. The smell of rain was lingering around your nose. The world around you was quiet and peaceful, almost like it was glazed with pretty icing, just for you.

As you walked forward, you noticed how your leg didn't hurt. It had no bandages and looked smooth. Your feet were bare and tingled as you strolled through the bright green grass. A butterfly caught your eye and landed directly on your nose. You laughed which scared it off but you smiled and watched it fly away into the distance.

You turned around in a circle, taking in everything you had just been exposed to. It was beautiful, and you were so happy that you were here.

But why? Why were you here?


A/N: Kinda short chapter sorry for that but thank you guys for reading this. It really means a lot to me I love you so much<3(830 words)

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