16- You Need To Let It Go

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"By the way princess, I know you searched through my drawer." He smirked at you before turning around and leaving the room.

Your eyes darted over to the desk. The map was sitting on the top of the dark wood desk. You ran over to it and smacked your hands on the table. 'He's gonna think I'm a creep'  You put your hands over your head. "Shit."

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

You were laying on the bed and looking out the window at the sunset over the hills. It was gorgeous with all the pinks and oranges painting the sky.

Dream had brought you food two other times that day, and you both ate in silence across the room from each other. The rest of the day was pretty lonely. You ended up having a pillow fight with yourself to get some anger out which took a whopping three minutes.

The sun finally set, and you stood up to sit at the desk. You grabbed a pencil and started drawing on the blank paper in front of you. You barely got to finish your drawing before Dream waltzed back into your room.

You turned around to look at him but he didn't say anything. Instead, he just took his shirt off, revealing his toned abs and strong biceps. He laid down onto the bed and looked over to you, "Well what are you waiting for, come sleep."

"In the same bed as you? Not gonna happen." You scoffed.

"Oh come on y/n, you need to sleep." He sat up.

"Fine, but you aren't allowed to tell George about this?" You stood up from your seat and walked over to the bed.

"He already knows." Dream smiled at you, knowing his response was going to annoy you.

You just rolled your eyes as you sat down on the bed. You laid down as close to the edge as possible to create the most amount of space between you and Dream.

"Oh my god I'm not a disease, get over here." Dream gripped around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

Your eyes widened and you pulled his arm off of you, "Yes you are."

Dream was no longer touching you but he was still closer than you were comfortable with. You decided he wasn't going to take no for an answer so you just stayed where he put you.

"Are you seriously going to sleep with that crusty mask on?" You reached up and flicked him in the forehead.

"No, I'm just going to wait for you to fall asleep before I take it off." He smirked.

"I don't get why you care so much. You can't be that ugly." You laid fully down and turned your back to Dream.

He chuckled, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you probably aren't the ugliest person I've seen, so there's nothing to be scared of."

"Are you calling me pretty?"

"No. I'm calling you ugly, but not as ugly as a pig's asshole."

He paused for a moment, "Fair enough."

You chuckled at his response.

After only a few minutes you were somehow asleep. You forgot about how your enemy was right next to you, sleeping in the same bed as you, and you fell into a peaceful sleep.

~~~~~Dream POV~~~~~

Dream woke up to the sound of y/n breathing quietly and the birds chirping. He sat for a moment with his arm around her waist. He knew she would kill him if she woke up to Dream literally spooning her but he thought it would be fun to try out. 'What she doesn't know can't hurt her'.

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