24- My L'manburg

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~~~~~Wilbur POV (Flashback)~~~~~

"I heard there was a special place."

Wilbur dug out the dirt blocking the hallway with his nearly broken stone shovel.

"Where men could go and emancipate."

He trudged down the narrow tunnel with his hands in his pockets and his beanie covering his hair.

"The brutality... and the tyranny of their rulers."

He sat in the single chair centered in the room, grabbing the small knife from the pocket in his jacket.

"Well, this place is real, you needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret."

He began carving deep lines into the wall. They were the words of the song he was singing.

"It's a very big and not...blown up L'manburg."

Wilbur walked to the front of the room, directly in front of the wooden button placed on the wall.

"My L'manburg."

His voice was at a whisper now.

He stepped away from it hesitantly and walked out of the room. The tunnel was long and echoed every time he took a step. He walked onto the grass right outside the tunnel and took in the rainy smell.

He stared back at the dark, ominous room he created by himself before grabbing his shovel and refilling the dirt to block the tunnel. He dropped the now broken shovel a few feet away from him and slowly walked away.

On his way home through the rain, he kept singing the song, over and over again. He thought about his decisions and if they were really going to make him happy. Killing thousands of people and destroying an entire nation was going to be a big thing to live with for the rest of his life.

~~~~~Wilbur POV (Present)~~~~~

The memories ran through his brain as he looked all over the walls. The scribbled words and tempting oak button were all that was present in the room other than himself.

He stepped closer to it, hovering his hand in front of the button. All he had to do was press it, and it would all be gone.

Wilbur thought about y/n and about how she would cope with losing her brother. Even after all the things both of them had been through, she was still his sister, and he cared about her, but he didn't know if it was enough to stop him.

He thought about Fundy, his only son, and how he betrayed him to side with the enemy.

He pressed his hand forward, nearly making contact with the fuse but was stopped by a voice.

"What are you doing?"

Wilbur snapped his head around and lowered his hand. It was his dad. He was empty-handed and had dark wings on.

"Phil. I was doing... nothing."

"Get away from that button Wilbur."

"Listen to me dad." He held his hands up in front of him defensively. "I need to do this."

"Kill thousands of people? That's not a good idea, and you know it."

"Listen to me!" He hit his hand on the cold wall. "The thing that I built this nation for doesn't exist anymore! My own son burned down the flag to my nation. Do you not get it, Phil? My only son doesn't even believe in me."


Wilbur interrupted, "There was a saying Phil." His voice was mysteriously calm.

Wilbur took a step closer to the button, "By a traitor."

He closed his eyes and raised his hand, singing the song one more time in his head. He didn't give himself time to think, knowing that he would back out if he did.

"...It was never meant to be."

His hand made contact with the smooth wood and he waited for a split second before hearing the TNT roar outside of the cave. Screams and explosions filled the atmosphere and Wilbur dropped to the ground.

"L'manburg my unfinished symphony! My great unfinished symphony~"

He felt the cold stone on his hands and the bright sunlight hitting his face. He appreciated everything the world had to offer before grabbing his sword and beginning to speak.

"Kill me, Phil. Kill me." Wilbur looked up at his dad and held out the sword for him.

"You're my- you're my son!"

"Kill me." A single tear rolled down his cheek.

Phil took the sword out of Wilbur's grip and into his own hand. Wilbur stood tall and waited for his dad to take his life.

A burning sensation filled his chest as the flame sword tore through his flesh. His body melted to the ground and onto Phil and he started crying in his dad's arms.

This was the same situation that happened when he was ten years old, and his father took his own life, except this time he was the one taking his last breath.

"I love you," Wilbur mumbled.

"I love you too." Phil squeezed the fabric of Wilbur's jacket.


"It's okay son, you can rest now." Phil put his hand in Wilbur's hair and felt his body go limp seconds later.

Wilbur used his remaining strength to turn his head to the side and look out at his beautiful world.

"Bye L'manburg."

A/N: idk bro i'm just here vibing. (886 Words)

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