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Joshua's Pov
I woke up this morning, my eye was swollen and I had a pounding headache. It felt like I was hit by a semi truck. Slowly walking to the bathroom, I started my daily morning shower and hopped in. I looked in the mirror getting out of the shower, looking to the side of my face my eye was swollen and all around it was purple. Shaking my head in disappointment, I got dressed and made my way downstairs. In the kitchen my brothers sat talking about their daily deliveries.
"Good Morning J." Vincent greeted, I then looked to Marco who couldn't even look at me.

My Uncle hasn't been back since last nights "festivities". He probably just left again which is not surprising whatsoever.
"You have a dentist appointment today Joshua. You too Montgomery" Asher finally spoke up. Before our parents died Asher was in college, he was majoring in dentistry because that's what he wanted to be. However, since they died and he now has to take over, he only checks ours. He says "It saves money" .. Like we have no money to waste. As we sat at the table my phone buzzed. It was a snapchat from Monty. As I opened the snapchat I couldn't help but laugh. I looked to Monty who was laughing just as hard as I was. Both Vince and Asher were completely confused but didn't ask questions. I then went to the bathroom to go contain my laughter and to send a response back to Mont.

As the picture went through I heard laughter in the kitchen and I assumed it was Mont. I left the bathroom, walking back to the kitchen and taking a seat back next to Vince.
"Josh meet me in my office in 15 minutes." Asher instructed as he got up from the table. I groaned rolling my eyes as I got up too. This earned a smack on the neck from Vince.
"What was that for?!" I yelled glaring in Vince's direction.
"Watch the attitude J." He warned me as he and Monty both walked out.

I brushed my teeth in my bathroom dreading my appointment with Asher. After contemplating existing for a good 5 minutes I made my way downstairs to his office, there he sat in blue scrubs. I got the chills just looking at it, I hated the smell in here.
"Take a seat." He instructed me and I did what I was told.
"Listen I'm sorry about yesterday J. I really didn't mean it." Asher said his voice breaking as he spoke. It almost sounded like.. the Asher Maxwell is sorry?
"It's fine I already forgot about it." I assured him as he started reclining the chair.
"Do we really have to do this todayyyy?" I asked trying to persuade myself out of this.
"Yes we do." He said pulling his mask up and turning on the bright ass light.

I just opened my mouth waiting for this to be over. Asher stuck his tools in my mouth poking around here and there. I closed my eyes because the light is too bright and also it's just weird to look at him when he's doing it. After a few minutes he finished.
"Good job Josh." He said bringing the chair back to its normal state. I nodded leaving the room thanking god that the appointment was over. In the hallway out of the office Monty and I crossed paths and he looked scared out of his mind, causing me to laugh a little.

I went up to my room laying in bed completely over today. It's been so long and boring. The rest of the night I snapped back and forth with my girlfriend and Chase. Chase and I were going to go surfing tomorrow. Let's see if Asher let's me.

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