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Joshua's Pov

I was shaken awake by Xander this morning. Let me tell you I did not want to get up at all. I'm completely exhausted. Besides me being tired I have to start a completely new school today with new people. I slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower before breakfast. Todays outfit I chose was pretty basic. It was a shortsleeved black t-shirt and some grey sweatpants. I wasn't going to go all out for this school, at least not yet.

I trudged down the white marble steps and made my way into the kitchen where I was met with Marco reading the newspaper, Xander serving breakfast and Blake zoning out. I took a seat next to Blake where we both ate our breakfast in silence because I don't think anyone was in the mood for conversation this morning. 

"Boys after school I'll be giving you all haircuts you all look shaggy. Afterwards Josh we will go to your house to collect your belongings " Marco said which honestly made my stomach sink. I know I asked for it but I just don't think I'm ready to step foot into that house knowing my brothers are gone.

After breakfast Blake drove him and I to school. The school he went to was nice, much better than my old school. As we walked in together people were staring at Blake and I but I decided to just ignore it and keep walking. We went to the front desk grabbing my schedule and my locker information. During all this I met Blakes small circle of friends, his girlfriend Grace, her friend Celia and some guy names Miles. Miles seemed older than us, I then saw his badge. He apparently was the dental instructor here.

The first period bell rang and I separated from Blake going to my first class. Walking into class was terrible because the teacher of course introduced me as the new student which made all eyes on me. I just sat in the back with this kid named Law. Law seemed pretty chill he didn't say much but neither did I. 

The first two periods went by so slow because I had to start a whole new curriculum and learn all this different information that I'm not used to so that was very annoying. I met up with Blake and his friends at lunch. We all ate outside which was kind of nice because it was away from everyone. Blakes friends were pretty chill which made lunch go by much faster. After lunch I went to my last two periods which were equally as long, but Law was in all of them. Him and I talked back and forth, as we sat in the back of the classroom. 

The end of the day came by the sound of the final bell. Thank god today was over, it was honestly so painful. I met Blake in the parking lot and we drove back to their house. Blake went in first for a haircut, then Xander. I was last.

"Come on J" Marco called me in and I entered skeptical but sat in the chair anyway. He trimmed the sides of my hair and kept it longer on the top the way I usually get it. 

"Ready to head to your house?" Marco asked me after the haircut grabbing his keys. Nerves took over me and I started getting a little sweaty.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said as I got into the passenger seat of his really expensive car. As we pulled into my driveway I tried to control myself but I saw a for sale sign up on the front lawn. I stood infant of the entrance door tears flooding my eyes as I unlocked the door. As Marco and I entered tears fell down my cheeks. Everything was untouched from the day of the fight.

"Oh my god.." I said clamping my hand over my mouth looking around. I went to my room and grabbed two big bags filling it with my belongs like clothing and family pictures. After grabbing all of my valuables I passed Monty and Vince's rooms. I entered and sat on Monty's bed. I took in my surroundings and just cried. I miss my brothers with all of my being. I took some of his hoodies, hats, shirts and some pictures. As I exited his room I look around just taking in that he's actually gone. 

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