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Joshua's Pov

This morning Marco was making me go see a therapist to go talk out my traumatic problems. I've honestly never been better at the moment. Ivy and I have been spending sometime together and after that whole fiasco the other day there really hasn't been many interruptions.

I walked into the therapists office hesitant because Asher used to make me go to one because of our parents. I stopped at the entrance door and Marco put a gentle hand on the small of my back pushing me in. I groaned as he checked me in and I sat in the waiting seats.

"Joshua Maxwell?" A lady called holding a clipboard in her hands. She wasn't tall but not short either, she also had chocolate brunette hair and wore black glasses that framed her eyes. I looked to Marco who nodded as a signal for me to go and so I got up following behind her.

"Hello Joshua my name is Teresa and I'll be your new therapist. Don't think of me as a therapist though think of me as a friend or an acquaintance" She said with a soft smile that I did not return back. I sat slumped into the couch as she asked me questions about my life. I answered them but not in specific detail because she doesn't need to know that.

As our session ended she talked to Marco and said I did good but should open up to her more. As she said that I got a harsh look from Marco but I just shrugged it off. We entered Marcos shiny black car and it was silence until Marco started to drive.

"Primo why don't you want to talk to her?" He asked as he started driving to the house. I just shrugged looking out the tinted window, not trying to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Primo you have to talk to someone. Holding in all your problems is not healthy." He said looking to me concerned. I just shrugged again and out of the corner of my eye I just saw him give up for now. It was probably a good idea on his part because I was not in a great mood.

We pulled into the house and I went upstairs to go hang out with Blake because he and I are going to a school party tonight. I plan to get shitfaced because it helps take my problems away. He and I both got ready in some pretty basic clothes. I was in grey sweats and a hoodie and he was in shorts and a hoodie.

"Marco JJ and I are going to a party we will be back later!" Blake yelled from the foyer into Marcos office that was upstairs. He then stepped out of his office looking to the both of us and nodding in approval. Blake and I took that signal fast because we ran out the door and started to drive to the party.

At the party a lot of people were there but I recognized someone familiar. I couldn't place it until he turned around and we locked eye contact. Chase. He slowly walked over to me and I told Ivy to go get a drink because I didn't think this was going to go well at all.

"Oh look who it is. If it isn't Blake Maxwell or is it Sanchez now?" He asked his voice full of anger and sarcasm. I rolled my eyes not responding to his last name blow because I didn't want to get myself worked up.

"How's it feel to be in the rich town now huh? Forget about all your friends back home? Forget about Justin?" He asked taking a step forward and meeting his gaze with mine intently. I balled my fists trying to control my anger as I saw Blake step closer to where we were standing.

"I'll never forget about Justin Chase. You should know that better than anyone." I growled stepping closer to him in anger.

"Oh really. Interesting because what I recollect is that you haven't come back to visit his grave sight in what a month?" He asked me with a tone he knew would get me going.

"You don't know what's going on Chase so I suggest you watch yourself." I growl in a harsh tone.

"Or what you going to set a hit out on me?" He asked laughing and that's when I lost it. I tackled him to the floor and started to punch him. He got a couple punches in but I was dominantly stronger than he was by a lot. I was ripped off of him by Blake as I had a split lip and a black eye forming.

"Cant wait to go fuck Olivia when I get back home! Oh yeah since you broke up with her for a new chick she came to me!" He said laughing as his face was covered in blood and I was being held back by Blake. I lunged at him again but was stopped by Blake's force.

"Let's go." Blake said as he guided me outside and Grace and Ivy followed not far behind us. I was beyond angry right now. As we drove him I didn't say a word to anyone and nobody said a word to me. They knew better. As I stepped in the house we were greeted by a very concerned Marco and Xander. I stormed off to my room as Ivy followed. I assume Blake stayed behind to tell him the story.

I made my way into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. It wasn't bad but it didn't look good either. I slammed my fist off the counter in anger but then felt Ivys arms snake around my waist and pull me into a hug. I relaxed in her touch and went and sat on the edge of the bath tub while Ivy grabbed supplies needed to clean up my face. I don't know what I did to deserve her but I hope I don't push her away. That's the last thing I need right now..

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