"You're nothing but trouble Joshua. You and I both know that."
-Sequel to Mafias Little Brother-
(You do not have to read the first one to read this one)
Joshua Maxwell (JJ) one of the 4 Maxwell Brothers, has to live with the burden of being apar...
As we arrived back at the Sanchez Residence, I was greeted by Xander and Blake. Xander pulling me into a tight hug as he saw my tear stained face. After Xander released the hug, Blake immediately pulled me into another one. After hugging both of my cousins I grabbed my belongings from my old house bringing them upstairs to my new room. I unpacked all my items, reminiscing on each item I pulled out.
A little while later I was fully unpacked and I went to go take a shower to just refresh myself after a draining day. After getting out of the steaming shower I put one of Montgomery's old hockey hoodies on and some grey sweats, making my way downstairs for dinner. In the middle of dinner the front door opened causing us all to become alert. The kitchen door opened and all of us had our gaze fixed on the door with hands on our weapons. It fully opened and there stood a cheery Bellamy. Bellamy was my other cousin who was apart of the Sanchez family, he was sent to boarding school because of how bad his behavior was.
"Bellamy!" Xander said in delight as he got up with open arms making his way towards his brother. Blake on the other hand had some things to say about Bellamy but I decided to stay out of this whole argument.
Dinner ended in a not so happy note because Blake had an outburst causing him to storm out of the dining room and Bellamy followed him. I gave a look to Marco signaling to go check on Blake and he nodded to me getting up out of his seat. That left just Xander and I at the dinner table.
"Montgomery is still alive Joshua. He is being executed tomorrow." Xander said roughly looking over at me waiting for me to say something.
"What! Xander you need to take me to see him please!" I started to yell but immediately lowered my voice not wanting Marco and the others to hear. He nodded to me quickly as we both got up, sneaking our way out the front door.
It was a silent ride to the warehouse. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect when I see him. My hands shook in my lap as we pulled into the parking lot. We made our way passed the security guards and down to the cell. As we passed a couple making our way to the fourth one. There he was, my brother in shackles attached to the wall securely. I gasped at the sight immediately unlocking the door and running to him.
"Josh?" He said lifting his head up a little with his face covered in scratches and bruises.
"Hey.." I said examining his face as my voice broke just looking at him.
"You shouldn't be here J. They'll find you and kill you too. Be smart." He said lecturing me but then saw Xander in the doorway and immediately went quiet.
"I had to see you before they execute you Mont. I'm not ready. I can't do this by myself its too much!" I yelled as tears fell slowly down my cheeks. His face sunk as those words came out of my mouth.
"I'm not ready to die Josh.. I haven't even graduated yet. I have a whole life to live and I'm not ready.." He said his voice shaking as hot tears fell gradually down his cheeks. As he said those words I felt as if I was going to throw up. I looked back to Xander for help and he just shook his head.
"I'm so sorry Monty. If there was something I could do, I would for you always." I said to him wiping his tears away as he looked at me intently with his blood shot eyes.
"You gotta move on for me Josh. Move on and live your life because thinking of us will just bring you down more." He said to me sadly. I shook my head at him which just caused him to nod his head in return.
"Josh.. Im scared." He said to me his voice shaking. As he said that I felt a firm set of hands yank me upwards dragging me out of the cell. I looked up to see Marco and then looked back to Monty.
"Josh help me!" He yelled as I started screaming and flailing trying to get out of his arms. As I was being pulled away the cell door closed and I still screamed.
"Marco! Stop it! I need to save him! He's scared Marco!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as my voice broke. Xander was in my gaze and he looked at my guilty as if he did something wrong. Marco then brought me to his office and put me in a chair. My breathing was heavy and hitched as I wheezed slowly. He brought me my inhaler which I took slow breaths out of as he closed his office door.
Outside the door all I heard was yelling back and forth. It was Marco and Xander, they were fighting about me. I was replaying Monty's words in my head that he was scared and didn't want to die.
"Let me trade places with him!" I scream to Marco outside the glass which caused him to open the door and look at me questionably.
"I can't do that primo. Asher specifically told me not to and also warned me that you would do this." He said giving me a sad look as he closed the door again. I just slumped down in my chair feeling useless and slowly giving up. Just seeing Monty then made me feel even worse about the situation Asher told me to feel nothing about. He told me to move on but I just can't do that, not right now at least. It just feels so wrong to do in the first place.
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