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Joshua's Pov
It's been a tough fucking week. Chase has been over everyday. I just really haven't gotten past Justin dying but like Asher says "you have to move on sometime". I just don't think I'm mentally ready. Monty and I have a lacrosse game today and it's a game honoring Justin.
"Josh let's go!" Mont yelled up to me.
"Coming!" I yelled back groaning and making my way downstairs.

"Good Luck. I'll be there." Vince said pulling me in for a side hug kissing my forehead. I met Monty in his car and we drove off to the school. As I walked to the field all I saw was posters lining the fence and people wearing purple his favorite color. I had a purple headband on and my wrist was taped purple also.

I inhaled deeply walking past the people as they all called for my attention. Warming up was easy because my attention was focused somewhere else but as soon as the national anthem played my team was in shambles. I held myself together but it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.

We won the game. We won for Justin. I scored 6 goals leading the team. Final score was 8-2. Ending the game I saw Justin standing in the end zone on the field.
"Justin?" I question walking over to him.
"Hey bud hell of a game big guy." He replied as I walked closer.
"Youre here. I missed you J." I say to him.
"I missed you too Josh.. Be good for me alright?" He questioned as he started walking away.
"Wait no! J! Come on!" I yelled as someone was shaking my shoulder. It was Asher. My eyes were bright red as my eyeblack was all smudged from tears.

"He was just here!" I yelled to Asher causing everyone to look at me like I was crazy. Asher pulled my face into his chest and started walking away from the people. I sobbed as we walked away Asher had his hand firmly yet reassuringly on the back of my head. We finally stopped and he looked at me concerned.
"Ash! He was just here I saw him!" I yelled laughing a little as tears fell.
"Hermano.. Justin is dead he has been for a week now.." He said calmly. Vince and Monty made their way over to us and I walked to the car as the eyeblack dripped down my face.

liked by montmaxwell, blakesanchez,chasemicheals,vincemaxwell,  livdoherty and 2,567 othersjjmaxwell: played for you tonight

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liked by montmaxwell, blakesanchez,chasemicheals,vincemaxwell,
livdoherty and 2,567 others
jjmaxwell: played for you tonight. signing out.. #17
livdoherty: proud of you bub🤍
chasemicheals: he's so proud j..
montmaxwell: 17 forever.

After the game I went home and showered. Liv then came over for a little while because she missed me. We swam in my pool with Mont and Chase. It actually took my mind off things for awhile which was nice. It was like a distraction of a repeat situation.

Hi Readers!
I'm so sorry for the short update I've been struggling a bit lately! I promise I'll get back to more frequent and longer updates soon. Thanks for your patience.

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