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Joshua's Pov

Gun fire rained throughout the house, my ears started to ring as I grabbed my weapon from beside me. Marco and I were the first people out and we starting shooting anything or anyone in our range of vision. I heard screaming from the top floor to see Xander being held a gunpoint by this man on the buffer side.

"J-Josh help.." Xander stuttered as I held my weapon pointing it at the man holding him at gun point.

"Oh it's the famous Joshua Maxwell. I knew your brother he was one of the most cold hearted son of bitches I've ever met." He said with a bit of chuckle. I rolled my eyes from his statement still standing my ground.

"One wrong move Maxwell and he's gone. You couldn't save your brothers what makes you think you can save your cousins." He said laughing and right then and there anger brewed inside me. I pulled back on my gun firing right at the man holding Xander hitting him right on target. His body dropped releasing Xander on the way down.

I ran out of the room before Xander could say anything and started firing again at the remaining people down in the foyer. As soon as all the threats were illuminated I went to find Marco and the others. Luckily, they were all in the kitchen except Xander of course. After I stepped in the kitchen Xander came in not too long after me.

"Joshua saved my life Marco." He said somewhat winded. As he said that I walked outside to go and sit on the steps out front. I don't want to relive that moment through story telling so I went to go have a smoke. As I took a drag Marco came out the front door and stood across from me as I leaned on one of the entrance polls.

"Brave move today primo. Very proud of you and thank you for saving mi hermano. You wanna talk about it?" He asked as he watched me take slow drags of the cigarette in between my finger tips.

"There's really nothing to talk about." I mumbled dozing off into nothingness. He gave me a look like I was full of bullshit which I was but I didn't feel like talking about it. Especially not right now.

"There is Joshua. Xander told me he mentioned your brothers and it looked like you shut everything off." Marco said to me concern lacing his voice as he stared at me. I really didn't know what he wanted me to say because that did happen. I'm not going to deny it. I just nodded and hummed in response which caused Marco to look at me skeptical.

"J I think you should talk to someone.." He said in a low tone looking at me intently.

"I talk to you Marco I'm fine." I say throwing my cigarette on the ground and stomping on it. He just shook his head at me.

"No primo someone professional. They can give you advice on how to handle these types of situations." He said coming over putting his hand on my shoulder in some sort of comfort. I just shook my head. The last thing I wanted to do is talk to someone about my problems.
He just nodded to signal he understood and pulled me into his embrace rubbing a hand up and down my back.

"I'm proud of you my primo. For saving Xander's I owe you my life." He said kissing the top of my head which took me by surprise at first but I just shrugged it off.

"Also you need to stop smoking primo it's no good for you." He said running a hand through my hair and pulling my pack of cigarettes out of my back pocket. I just groaned in annoyance.

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