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Joshuas Pov

It's been a couple days since the whole explosion, I've been trying different techniques to get my mind off of it but none of them seem to be working. I wake up some nights with flashbacks of Ace and his expression before I left. Other nights all I can smell is the burning shrapnel from the house. I've been through many scarring events during my lifetime, you think it would get easier but it never does. Dozing off also becomes a regular thing of your daily routine. 

Marco has had me seeing this therapist because he keeps telling me how bad my mental state is getting. This therapist was different than the others, he didn't pressure me to answer questions and he didn't tell Marco when I wasn't feeling it. He just sat there and waited until I was ready which I liked about him because he gave me some sense of control.

"Josh! Law is here to pick you up!" Xander yelled from the downstairs foyer. I got up throwing a hoodie on and pulling the hood over my head. Law has been here everyday because he's been training with me for college lacrosse tryouts. I didn't want to go into lacrosse in the college level but Xander says it will be good for me. I made my way downstairs grabbing my gym bag and making my way out the door. 

I haven't spent much time with Marco lately because he has a new lady friend and lets just say they've been getting to know each other. Some nights I think they get to know each other too well which causes some sleepless hours but none the less I'm happy that he's finally found that source of happiness he's needed for a long time.

"Tryouts are in 2 months Sanchez what are you thinking team wise?" Law asked me as he stood in-front of me while I ran on the treadmill. I honestly didn't want to go far if I did make it because I couldn't leave them back here.

"Not sure yet I guess we will have to see won't we." I say smirking to Law which caused him to laugh. We ended up working out and training for about 2 hours. That was the usual thing for us and we would end up going to get a healthy lunch after which we did. He then dropped me off back at the house because I had Ivy coming over tonight to spend some time together. I feel awful because I've been super busy training lately that we haven't spent really any time together.

"Hey lover" Ivy said as she entered my room jumping onto me while I laid on the bed. As she jumped we both laughed so hard and she hid her face in my chest. I missed her. I'm glad I have her no matter what because if I didn't I don't know what I'd do.

"How have you been?" I mumble in her hair as I place a soft kiss onto it. This caused her to look up at me and her face was tomato red which caused me to laugh. When she tried to hide her face I picked it up with my hands and held it there. I just sat there and admired her beauty. 

"What?" She asked after a few minutes of silence with a slight smile creeping on her face which caused me to smile in return. 

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked her which caused her to turn a darker shade of red. Heres a little fact about Ivy, she's really shy so when she gets embarrassed her face turns all different shades of red.

We watched movies together and caught up on recent events that we both missed in each others lives. It was peaceful, this time was the most calm I've felt in a longtime and boy did it feel good. Ivy ended up falling soundly asleep on my chest which made me smile. I let her sleep for a good hour and a half then we had to go downstairs for dinner so I woke her up. Making our way into the dining room I forgot she hasn't met Marcos new lady friend yet.

"Ivy this is Alana, Alana this is Ivy." I said introducing them both. They both exchanged smiles and waved to each other. Did I like Alana? Absolutely not, she's been so shady this entire time and when you are around her without Marco she goes silent. Something is up with her and I'll figure it out sooner or later.

"So Ivy how have you been?" Xander asks her breaking the unbearably awkward silence at the dinner table tonight.

"I've been good but very busy just like Josh over here." She said with a smile playfully elbowing me. This caused Xander and Bellamy to smile but not Marco and Alana. There was tension between the two tonight and I'm honestly not sure why. They will probably solve all their problems out in bed tonight.

We all ended up cleaning dinner up early because Ivy had to go home. I said my goodbye to her and Xander had to give her something so she followed him to his office. As I tried to leave I was harshly yanked backwards by none other than Alana.

"What the fuck?" I snapped yanking my hand out of her grasp as she smiled in an evil way. 

"You're very nosey Joshua. I don't like nosey people especially kids." She spat in my direction which caused me to laugh.

"Like I'm scared of you Alana." I said laughing in her face. Her face lit up with anger as she grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall. As she started squeezing harder and harder making it difficult to breathe she said.

"I would be. You don't know me but I sure know you Maxwell." She hissed and next thing I knew I blacked out from lack of oxygen.

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