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Joshua's Pov

Today was the day I got my revenge on Ace and his whole entire empire was going to crumble. I snuck out early that morning to avoid conflict with the Sanchez Brothers. I took my own car down to his "castle" and parked out of sight. Opening the map Blake and I made, I looked through all the entrances and exits to make sure I had clear entry and exit. 

"This is for you Hermano" I said to the sky kissing my fingers and raising them upwards to Blake hopefully he could hear me. I then hopped the gates, since I was there during dusk the guards were switching posts so they were preoccupied. Making my way through the vent exit I carefully crawled looking through each individual vent. I heard some familiar talking and I looked carefully through the vent. I couldn't believe what I just saw, there stood Vince talking to Ace about me!

"He's a good kid with bad intentions Ace. He needs to be taken out if you want to get to Marco and his clan. Him and Marco are close, they always have been." Vince said in a dark tone of voice. Hearing those words come out of his mouth gave me goosebumps. My own brothers wants me dead?

"I tried Vince! It's like the kid is indestructible and can't be killed!" Ace growled slamming his hands off the table they were seated at. Vince just shook his head at him with utter disappointment. Tears flooded my eyes, was I dreaming? No I couldn't be. Next thing I know the vent collapses under neath me and I'm now hanging above Vince and Ace. I dropped down onto the table they were seated at.

"Ah hermano, nice of you to join us." Vince said cooly standing up and Ace following suit. I quickly pulled out my weapon backing up and making sure I had eyes on both of them.

"You're alive! Working with him?! How could you be so naive." I say coldly looking to my older brother in disgust. He just started laughing along with Ace and now I was completely confused.

"Joshua. Asher and I have been working with Ace ever since our mother died. We were planning on both you and Montgomery's downfall. We have one down but you're still kicking, not sure how." He said mid laugh but I did not find anything he was saying funny at all. 

"I don't know how you did it but you took down our eldest brother in a swift plan. But I brother won't go down that fast." He said with a smirk lunging at me and we both fell to the floor. We were both now fist fighting in hand to hand combat. I now had Vince pinned and got a couple punches in.

Ace suspiciously comes back into the room and grabs me off of Vince's barely conscious body and pins me against the wall.

"Get outta here kid. I'll hold him off. There is an explosive in the hallway and you need to run because it goes off in 3 minutes." Ace said cooly shoving me out of the door and before I could say anything he locked it with Vince and himself inside. I saw the explosive sitting in the hallway as the clock was ticking down. I bolted out the door with one last glance at Ace who was screaming at me to run. Tears fell down my cheeks mid run and as I leaped out of the door diving on the grass the whole house bursts into flames.

I screamed so loud as fiery shrapnel flew everywhere. Falling to my knees I looked to the flaming house in shock and sadness. My brother gone and an unknown ally. I continued to scream cry as the house was still a flame. Fire trucks and ambulances came firing in the driveway. They patched up my scratches and called Marco. I was still in shock when Marco arrived he ran to me pulling me into a hug.

"How could you be so stupid primo. You could've died!" He whisper yelled to me while I was still in his grasp.

"Ace saved me Marco, it was Vince. He's been after me this entire time and now I won't know why!" I yelled sobbing into his chest as the shock started to ware off slowly. He just shushed me and held me taking quick glances here and there at the burning house that was now ash.

Finally reaching the household all the boys came rushing out and pulled me into a tight embrace. They all checked me for injuries and asked me a million questions until Marco cut them off.

"Fratello I know you're worried about J but he needs to shower and take some time for himself." He said calmly putting both his hands on my shoulders guiding me to my room. He sat me on my bed and pulled out some clothes for me to change into after I got out of my shower.

"Wheres your planning room that you and Blake used." Marco asked pulling my shirt off gently because I was just staring into nothing. I didn't respond because shock and adrenaline were still running through my veins.

"Alright we will speak later. For now you need to shower and get some rest." He said gently brushing some hair off my forehead and out of my eyes. He rubbed off some of the ash from the fire on my forehead. He walked out and for a few minutes I sat there replaying everything in my head. Vince wanted me dead? 

I went into my bathroom and hopped into a steaming hot shower. I let them steaming water trickle down my toned features as I leaned on the shower wall with my head in my hands. The whole bathroom started to fog but I could care less at the moment. This shower is the only thing giving me some sort of peace of mind. Maybe Ace had a plan? Maybe he didn't want to kill Blake? What if it was Vince behind everything.. I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if that's the case.


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