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Joshua's Pov

Sitting in the planning room I was in an internal debate with my best judgement against my worst judgement. I want to tell the Sanchez brothers about my plan but on the other hand its too risky and I can't risk loosing another person in my life. So my worse of the two options won and I decided to keep it a secret from everyone else. I ended up not getting any sleep last night and today was the day of graduation. 2 days after graduation the plan will commence, the final ending to Ace's empire.

"Primo get ready you have to be at the school in a half hour!" Marco yelled up to me from the foyer. Today is the day I graduate, the day I've been dreading for weeks now and its the final goodbye to childhood. I showered and as I exited the bathroom I saw my freshly ironed suit on my bed. Thanks Xander.

I pulled the soft shirt over my body followed by the tie. I didn't wear a suit coat today because we have this silk gown we were to walk across the stage. As I looked in the mirror and slid the gown over my somewhat broad shoulders I took a minute, a minute to stare at myself, at my reflection. Who am I? I am surely not the Joshua I knew months ago. Months ago laughing was an easy task and smiling was a regular thing for me. Now those tasks seem to be the most difficult because I really couldn't answer if I'm truly happy because I don't even know.

After doing some final checks on myself I placed the cap on my head and took one final look in the mirror. Would my family be proud of me? I really miss my family especially on times like these. I looked to my bureau and saw the framed picture of Montgomery and I, he also was supposed to graduate today. Why doesn't life have to be so cruel, especially to the people who don't deserve it. I shook the memories dazing through my brain out of my head and walked down the stairs.

Waiting in the foyer were the Sanchez Brothers looking to me in awe. I just avoided their gaze because if I made eye contact I'd probably cry. I made the mistake of looking at Marco who had tears brimming his eyes and that's when I just let tears loosely fall down my cheeks. He pulled me into his embrace and whispered to me about how proud he was. He also told me how sorry he was about everything. After hugging everyone goodbye for now I wiped my tears away and walked out the front door meeting my friends in the driveway as they waited for me.

"Graduation time baby!" Law yelled out his driver side window as he blared his favorite music. Ashton was seated on one side of me and Ivy the other. Ivy's platinum hair was curled in ringlets that slayed gently against her gown. She looked to me after Law said that and gave me a light smile kissing my cheek gently. This moment felt surreal almost, like I'm not truly here. Except I wasn't truly here.

I was awoken out of my daze with ringing in my ears and gun shots firing all around me. I looked over to see our flipped car shattered down the hill. Law and Ivy both lay next to me screaming in agonizing pain. I don't think the pain has hit me yet because the shock hasn't worn off. I lift my head up gently and see a black SUV pull of screeching. Ashton. Where the hell is Ashton.

"W-Wheres Ashton?!" I ask sitting up but being stopped by the agonizing pain of my head and the right side of my body. I looked over to see my collarbone broken and my wrist was definitely broken in 5 places. I screamed after I put the slightest pressure on it but I had to keep moving. I limped and crawled down the hill to the car. I tried to look for Ashton but I saw him laying there lifeless in the car.

"Shit!" I yelled crawling over to him and pulling his limp body out with one arm. I started doing compressions and CPR despite the pain radiating throughout my entire body. The pain was so bad I felt as if I was going to throwup but I held it together. After 2 minutes I heard a groan and immediately sighed in relief. In great timing I heard sirens of ambulances closer and closer to our direction. I just stayed put with Ashton while Law was up there with Ivy.

"Is anyone down there?" I heard a paramedic yell. I screamed so loud because I didn't want to be left down here to die.

"Yes! 2 people!" I yelled loudly while Ashton was still groaning in pain. My vision was starting to blur as I saw 5 blurry figures make their way down the hill. I vaguely remember someone saying something to me before I blacked out.

"You're a hero kid." One of the paramedics said to me as my brain completely blacked out and in a matter of seconds I was unconscious. A Maxwell being a hero? That's something new. So much for graduation and I know who was behind that attack. This is just the beginning, they need to be stopped and it needs to be now.


Hah! Plot Twist!

What do you guys think happened and who do you think did it?

Thanks for reading! 

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