Lay Low

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Joshua's Pov

I woke up to the sound of a constant beep, as I groggily opened my eyes slowly. Looking around the room it looked clean and then I looked up above me and saw I was connected to all these machines. I groaned in pain and I remembered the accident, that's when I started to panic and looked around the room. There was nobody there. I tried to speak but I had a tube down my throat and that's when tears brimmed my eyes. I then heard the door open and there was Marco and the others.

"Oh thank god." Marco said sighing in relief along with the others. They all rushed to my bedside and Marco dragged over the visitors chair. I pointed to the tube in my throat and Marco just shook his head.

"Primo you have a collapsed lung and that is helping your lung work on its own and it needs to stay in at the moment." He said running a hand through my hair in a comforting manner. I just shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks and tried to take it out but was immediately stopped by Xander. He gently replaced my slinged arm and casted wrist down beside me.

"I know but it has to stay in." Xander said gently giving me a sympathetic look. This is the last thing I needed right now. It's going to set me behind and that's exactly what he wanted.

"I think you want to know how your friends are right?" Marco asked and I nodded my head quickly. I really need to know if they are okay because if they aren't I will never forgive myself.

"Well Primo you got the worst of it. Ivy just has a broken wrist, Law has a concussion and a broken leg and Ashton well you saved his life and he made it out with a hospital stay for observation but he's fine." Marco said with a smile and it immediately felt as if there was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad they are okay.

I started to gag on the tube and Marco got the nurse. The gagging had me panicked because I couldn't breathe and my breathing was being restricted. The nurse came rushing in with this little spray bottle.

"Open up" She said gently and I shook my head gagging even more than I was before. Tears were slowly dropping down my cheeks. Marco then grabbed my face gently and opened my mouth just enough so that she could get the drops down. They tasted so bad and afterwards Marco let go and kissed my forehead. Within seconds my throat was numb again and I couldn't feel the tube down my throat.

As I was on bedrest Marco ran his hands through my hair giving me a head massage that really helped with the headache from my concussion. This caused my eyelids to start to get heavy and all the boys left so it was just Marco and I. I think beside Blake and I, Marco has the closest bond with me. I trust him and he trusts me. I think out of all the boys I was most comfortable to let my guard down around Marco because I knew he had me.

Next Day

I woke up the next day to many visitors sitting in my hospital room. I then see that there is a whiteboard placed next to me and an erase marker. I'm guessing that's for me to communicate even though I can't really write right now we will make it work.

"Hi Love." Ivy said to me with a light smile kissing my forehead. She then sat next to me in a visitors chair and Law and the others found other chairs to sit in. I started writing on the whiteboard to communicate with them. I asked if they were alright and that I was sorry. Then Marco scolded me and said this wasn't my fault, not even close to it.

I then looked to Marco and everyone else and wrote. "Graduation?" and they all looked to eachother.

"Well primo they had graduation but kept the diplomas for all of you guys. So I was thinking when you're all up and better we will have a party for you guys at the house to celebrate since this situation isn't ideal." Marco said giving me a smile. I just nodded and let my head lay on Bellamy's shoulder. Bellamy let his head rest gently on mine and we just caught up with each other for the rest of the visit.

Later on that night the nurse came to take the staples out of my forehead out. Yes I got staples. I have about 13 of them and they are painful as anything. I shook my head at Marco because I still had my tube in. The nurse let Xander do it because he's trained in the medical field and Marco said I'd be more comfortable.

Xander was ready and so was Marco. It was just us 3 in my hospital room but I didn't want to get these taken out right now. Xander started pulling at them and I scrunched my face in discomfort. I shook my head fast to signal that I've had enough.

"Bubba you have to cooperate in order to get these out." Marco said calmly. Tears brimmed my eyes, I didn't want to. I don't think I've ever been this emotional in my entire life but Marco said my emotions are heightened from the accident.

"Nuh Uh!" I yelled as Xander came back over. Marco then gently held my head in place and he continued. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall. It wasn't only uncomfortable it was painful.

"Shhh bubba." Marco said shushing me and wiping my tears away as Xander pulled at the staples. As he removed the last one my eyes were all puffy. I was wheezing because the tube still sat down my throat. I'm really starting to get irritated with this thing.

"All done kid." Xander said running a gloved hand through my hair and wiping my tears away. We sat in silence for a few while I calmed down and Marco started the head massage thing again. That's when my eyelids got heavy and I was out like a light.

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