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Joshua's Pov

I was pretty much dragged into a private room with Asher at the banquet I was forced to attend. I told him I didn't want to talk but of course he couldn't take no as an answer and dragged me into one of the rooms with his guards blocking the entrance. I was forcefully sat in one of the leather chairs as my brother sat across from me.

"Well first off. Hello Joshua you look well." He said grinning at me but I wasn't amused in the slightest. I just glared intently waiting for an explanation from him.

"Well I think you're waiting for an explanation on why I'm alive and Vince and Mont aren't." He said and I nodded slowly not giving him an emotion or feedback.

"When Marco and I first started going at it him and I made a pact that we wouldn't kill you so you could be the heir to our mafias throne. Lets be honest Joshua you were the most cold-blooded brother in the Maxwell family that's why you're here right now and the others aren't. They showed too much weakness and it was weakening our family's image so they had to go. So, I set up our fake invasion to go after Blake and Marco was fully aware of the plan. Vince and Montgomery needed to be out of the picture before today or we wouldn't be able to crown you our king. I want out of this business like now so you're taking my spot. Marco and I have been scheming this for a long while and think its best for you to take over. Tonight mi Hermano you will be crowned king of the Spanish Mafia." Asher said to me cooly. I was fuming to say the least. It was all a setup, all of Marcos promises to me to keep me safe, all the nights when I broke down. It was all a set up. 

I gripped the arms of the seat I was sitting on so tightly that wholes started to form where my fingers were impacting. Asher looked to me waiting for any response but I just couldn't think of anything to say until I let my anger take over my mindset and it was game over.

"Once I'm crowned king the first order I will make is to kill you just as you killed Montgomery and Vincent. Their deaths will not be in vein." I spat at him inches away from his face. I walked back into the banquet passing the Sanchez brothers. This is the last thing I wanted. I'm only 17 I'm not ready to do this by myself but I guess you have to do what you have to do. Asher slowly stepped back up on stage reluctant, it looked like he saw a ghost because of how pale he was. I guess our conversation got to him. Good as it should've.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the moment many of you have been waiting for.. The crowning of the new Spanish Mafia King." He said with a little shake in his voice as he looked at me. I showed no emotion as I stared into his eyes.

"Joshua Lance Maxwell please make your way to the stage." He said lowly. As I made my way to the stage slowly I looked to Blake, Xander and Bellamy who looked completely shocked. Then to Marco who showed no emotion to me. I walked up the creaking steps and all eyes are on me. Right in-front of Asher and I was a crown covered in jewels and was made of solid gold. That crown symbolized the ending of my normal life. Well at least my life was never normal to begin with.

"With great honor I now-" Asher started but was cut off by a gun shot. Screams followed and everyone was running in different directions. I looked to Asher who fell to the ground lifeless, he was dead. Everyone evacuated, as they were running I was trying to look for the person who shot him. Throughout the commotion I saw Marco in the crowd as still as a statue. He nodded to me and signaled me to go over to him. I slowly walked towards him as I saw the gun in his hands, the gun that killed my eldest brother.

"Nunca dejaría que le hiciera eso a tu primo. No sobre mi cadáver." (I would never let him do that to you cousin. Not over my dead body.) Marco said to me as he pulled me close to his chest walking out avoiding all the people and paparazzi asking questions. In the limousine you could hear a pin drop it was silent. I had Asher's blood spattered all over my clothing and face because he was in-front of me when the shot was fired. I dozed off in shock, I never expected tonight to end like that. I thought my life was over and I had to be the new king.

"So what happens now." Xander asked Marco as we pulled into their driveway. Marco looked to Xander before responding.

"He's now a Sanchez. We will have no more problems with the Spanish Mafia." Marco said cooly as he stepped out of the limo. I got out slowly and made my way inside. Passing by the mirror in the foyer I stopped, I looked at my reflection as blood covered most of it. Marco ushered me away from the mirror and helped me up to my bathroom. He slowly turned on a hot shower and also turned the sink on as he gently washed the blood off my hands as I stared down in shock.

"Está bien mi prima. Todo va a estar bien ahora." (Its okay my cousin. It's all going to be okay now.) Marco said as he ran his free hand through my black hair gently. I sighed as he left and stepped slowly into the shower as the hot water trickled down my toned features. I didn't move for a good while but when I did I got soap lathering my body and my hair as I stood under the steaming water coming from the shower head.

Tonights events were the true ending of the Maxwell family. I'm the last living breathing relative of the Maxwell family. Who knows what the rest of my life holds for me but as of right now its not looking super easy for me. Marco promised me that he would always protect me and tonights events truly showed that he's a man of his word. La familia es para siempre (Family is forever).

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