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12 grimmauld place

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12 grimmauld place...

walburga. orion. sirius. regulus. narcissa. charlotte. aurelie. felicity.

curse after curse was thrown aquila's way, toxic words spat at her from all directions.

she was running through a dark maze of hallways trying to find her way out but it was no use.

she was trapped.

the voices got closer and closer.

she saw the end of the hallway, she saw a door with a bright white light behind it.

"avada kedavra!"

a blinding green light reached her vision just as she reached the threshold.

aquila let out a piercing scream and shot out of bed, drenched in sweat and thanked merlin she placed a silencing spell on her bedroom door. deciding she was no longer going to find herself falling back asleep, she froze at the top of the staircase when she heard familiar voices in a screaming match.

"how dare you leave this house and associate yourself with the filth out there! i've just about had it with you and your rebellious, dirty thoughts! you make one more mistake and you won't have a home here by christmas!" walburga screeched furiously. aquila could tell by experience that her face was red from anger.

"this tortuous house has never given me a home, haven't you noticed, walburga? you've never made it home, none of you have! it's perfect this, pureblood that, and you know what? i'm sick of it! i can't deal with it!" sirius yelled back, his voice thick with tears.

"how dare you! sirius orion black if you don't walk up those stairs right now and unpack everything in that trunk of yours, i won't hesitate!" walburga screamed, shrilly.

'trunk?' Aquila thought incredulously, 'he's leaving?!'

aquila quickly pounded on regulus' door and rushed down the stairs to catch the end of sirius' statement.

"-i'm leaving this hell!"

"what?" aquila spat venomously. "what do you mean you're leaving?!"

"star-" sirius stuttered, not noticing that his sister had been listening.

"no! what do you mean you're leaving?" aquila demanded, furiously shaking her head.

"i have to..." sirius pleaded, looking at her with tears brimming his eyes.

"are we not enough for you? are reg and i not good enough for you?" aquila questioned, eyes crazed.

"no- i mean- yes... star, you have to understand..." sirius begged, whipping his head to where their mother stood with a snake-like smirk rested upon her features.

"so we aren't? sirius, you can't leave us!" s small voice sounded from the bottom stairs where a tired regulus stood, watching his siblings have their standoff.

"yes i can." sirius said, trying to force the tears back.

"then do it." aquila announced coldly from where her blank glare was set upon her twin.

"what?!" sirius and regulus sounded incredulously.

"then leave.reg and i obviously aren't enough to stop you from leaving your family. your blood. so go ahead, leave." aquila continued, monotonously.

sirius turned to leave until his twin's icy voice once again reached him.

"just know that if you step one foot out that door, you mean nothing to me, nothing to Reg, nothing to anyone in this family. you won't exist. go run off to your precious little potter's. then you'll know how much we hate traitors. know that if i change it's all your fault. leave, and when you regret it, don't you dare come running back to me, because i won't help you." aquila hissed.

those were the last words spoken between the two before aquila gently placed a hand on regulus' shoulder and guided him to her room where the younger of the two cried on his sister's shoulder and they could both hear hexes, curses, jinxes, and spells being cast at their brother.

a door slammed shut, creating an echo across the now silent house.

walburga let out a furious scream and the two siblings could hear their mother stomping to where the drawing room and knew that she burnt sirius off the tree.

sirius was now disowned.

and aquila was now more broken than she was before.

that night was the only rainy night of the summer.

for even the constellations knew.

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