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end of yule breakthird pov

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end of yule break
third pov

luckily, the rest of yule break passed quickly, as aquila healed from her wounds. jagged scars marked her skin in the places that the wounds had once been, and she hated it.

of course, she didn't want her friends questioning anything, so she wore a long sleeved dress to the platform, holding tightly to her father's arm as he dropped the two teens at kings cross.

saying short goodbyes, the two made their way onto the train, where regulus split from her to find barty, evan, and rabastan, promising to find her later.

as aquila walked past the dozens of compartments, she heard one abruptly open, and two voices called for her.

she recognized the voices and froze, tensing up.

"star!" "darling!"

she slowly turned towards the voices, the expression on her face left no room for warmth.

a heavy body collided with hers, wrapping around her tightly, as she felt curly hair attack her face.

sirius was left with complete and utter relief at the sight of his sister, for he truly had not known whether she was alive or not and whether he would ever see her again.

what he didn't know, was that walburga had been successful in brainwashing her. so successful to the point that aquila was completely sure that sirius hated her to her magical core. she also knew that she also hated him. hated him for leaving them to the torture of their mother, leaving her to deal with the aftermath, leaving her to die.

his hug had come on strong, and aquila winced in pain, which james took notice of from behind the two, a concerned frown forming on his features.

sirius noticed the tension in his sister's body, which made him confused, as he thought they had gotten past the whole 'hating him' thing. he pulled back to see what was wrong, only to be met with a stone cold glare.

confusion filled his body. this was not how she was before the break. concern also filled him as he regarded his sister, looking for the source of her anger.

"what are you doing?" she spat, looking between the two boys, who shuffled on their feet, not knowing what to say.

"what are you talking about, star? i was relieved that you're okay, i mean, c'mon, i felt you die, i think i have the right to hug you!" sirius responded, a little miffed at the way she was speaking to them.

"yeah right, like you even cared..." aquila rolled her eyes and crossing her arms, which caused sirius to become offended and hurt.

"aquila, of course i care. what on earth are you talking about?!" sirius spat, pissed off.

"well i don't believe you!" aquila said, raising an eyebrow, turning away to walk onwards.

sirius surged forward to grab her arm and turned her around, a hiss of pain escaping her lips as she pinned her glare on the boy, who snatched his hands away as if he had been burned.

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