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tw: mention of blood, torture, and scars/bruisingi promise this is the last chapter of this for a while, this just fills what happens the rest of yule break

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tw: mention of blood, torture, and scars/bruising
i promise this is the last chapter of this for a while, this just fills what happens the rest of yule break.

third pov
yule break
number 12 grimmauld place

since the night of the ball at malfoy manor, aquila had not said a word to anyone in her family. not walburga, not orion, not regulus, not even kreacher.

her silence drove regulus to borderline insanity as he had no idea why she had taken the action of giving him the silent treatment. he had asked her on multiple occasions, only to be met with her cold eyes looking back at him, showing no emotion.

walburga however, unknowing to the boys, had continued to torture aquila whenever they were not around. the glamour that was put around aquila each time did nothing to ease her pain, but rather magnified it, as no one could tell she was harmed in any way.

orion had taken regulus with him to his sister dorea's home in order to pick something of hers up, and walburga took this as the perfect opportunity.

"brat!" walburga called from the bottom of the staircase.

aquila perked up, regretting it instantly, as it tweaked one of her sore spots. she knew better than to ignore the woman downstairs, however, and arose from her bed, limping downstairs.

"come here." walburga hissed, dragging her daughter to the drawing room, where she was pushed into a chair that was in the center of the room, "now, you're going to tell me why i was informed by a slytherin student that you were speaking with the disgrace."

"i don't know what you're talking about." aquila denied, her eyes blown wide at the news that someone had told her mother.

"i think you know exactly what i'm talking about. talking and laughing with those gryffindor blood traitors!" she spat, glaring at her first-born.

"i swear, i don't!" pleadingly, aquila shook her head and flinched away when walburga slapped her across the face, drawing a knife from her pocket.

"well, if you won't tell me, i guess i'll have to hurt you until you tell me."

"no, mother, please-"

the first cut of the knife stung as it sliced across her skin, drawing a red line that eventually bubbled with blood.

aquila hissed in pain, tears spilled from the corners of her eyes.

"are you going to answer my question?"

aquila stayed silent as she whimpered, clutching her wound.

walburga took her silence as her answer, and proceeded to place jagged cuts along her arms and when aquila shook her head, still refusing to answer, moved onto her legs.

when she no longer had anywhere else, and aquila's vocal cords had worn out, walburga asked once more.

"i, i-" aquila tried, but her voice was too tired and from screaming.

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