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first day back to hogwarts (4 january 1976)third pov

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first day back to hogwarts (4 january 1976)
third pov

as aquila rushed out of the room, the boys followed her, desperate for some kind of answer.

"keila, what was that!"
"aqua, stop!"
"star, slow down!"

aquila slowed down a small bit at the sound of her little brothers, but still continued on her way to escape the common room.

they reached her, and regulus reached to softly turn her towards them.

he stopped when he saw there were tears in her eyes.

"keila, what was that?" regulus asked softly, as he held her face between his hands, the other three boys coming to form a circle around her.

"i can't do this, reg..." aquila cried, "they hurt me so bad!"

"how, star, how did they hurt you?" barty questioned, as he, rabastan, and evan came to hug her.

aquila was silent for a moment in her tears, before slowly answering, "they were faking everything. mother paid them to be my friend, they faked our whole friendship, pretended to care about me!"

the boys were flabbergasted. the same look of shock filled all four of their faces.

"aquila, love, i'm not sure that's true... those girls would never do anything to hurt you..." evan responded carefully, not wanting to push the fragile girl off the edge.

rabastan, barty, and regulus hummed in agreement, regulus' eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what could have made her think that.

aquila's tears abruptly stopped, as she straightened up, and shook them off of her.

all four of the slytherins looked confused as she glared at them.

"you're saying you don't believe me?!" aquila spat, looking at them, betrayed.

"no, keila, we're just saying that there must be a misunderstanding somewhere in this situation!" rabastan tried to reason, but aquila tensed and took a step away from them.

"of course you don't believe me, you never do, merlin, this is why i don't tell you anything." aquila rolled her eyes, pushing them away from her as she continued on her rush out the common room.

"wait, what? aquila wait!" regulus cried, as he tried to go after her.

in the end, aquila was too fast, and not only had she pushed away her best friends, she had now also effectively pushed away her brothers.

aquila stormed down the corridors with her belongings, and her dogs, with flames in her eyes as she made her way to the room of requirement.

as she arrived, she paced and opened the door to find her own version of a small flat that had practically everything she needed to survive.

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