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8 september 19753rd POV

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8 september 1975
3rd POV

monday was the first day that classes started for the girls, and it was a day like any other. aquila woke to the diluted light streaming through her curtains and she could already tell it was not going to be a good day.

the day only got worse as the only school skirt that she could find was all too short and would show her lace undergarments if she were to bend down in the slightest.

although, what could she do? she tried a lengthening charm on it but then remembered that her mother had made sure that those charms wouldn't work on any of her clothing stating that 'she shouldn't need to change the size of the clothes she bought given that she was not going to grow to be any larger than her previous size.' obviously, walburga was wrong. (like always, that bitch- [sorry! - hailey<3])

"good morning!" aurelie chirped, as she fastened her tie around her collar while looking into the mirror.

"no, i'm pretty sure it's not a good morning." aquila grumbled as she tugged the skirt down. she then ended up ripping the skirt from the extraneous pulling.

"oh! yikes!" aurelie exclaimed, while turning around from applying her dark lipstick. she then hurried to her trunk digging through the piles of clothes of which were packed into the relatively large case. "here, babes,you can borrow one of my skirts for a few days until we can find a way to get you new ones."

"you are a lifesaver, aura." aquila breathed, before quickly rushing to get her white button up, tie, pullover vest, and cloak, while simultaneously putting on her over the knee socks and tall black pumps.

charlotte then swarmed her with makeup products and applying them on her already gorgeous face before pushing her into their shared bathroom with her toothbrush, and a tube of blood red lipstick.

there was a knock at the door signaling that narcissa was there to collect them for breakfast, and the group of fifth year girls rushed out of the room to greet the kind girl.

"morning, cissa." aquila said, out of breath, while casting a spell that put her hair into an elegant bun.

"morning, aqua! may i ask why you seem to be so tired when the day hasn't even started yet, love?" narcissa asked, in a soft yet concerned voice.

this question led aquila to rant about her horrible morning. she shortly greeted regulus with a hug and kiss on the cheek when he met up with them, before quickly getting on with her rant.

aquila led the group as they strutted into the great hall for breakfast, the students chattering volume decreasing immediately as aquila was still talking in dramatic hand movements. although, with one glare from charlotte they all snapped back to their conversations.

their little sunflower, however, had been chatting with a certain amos diggory at the hufflepuff table before the disturbance, quickly grabbed his hand, stood up, and skipped over to the slytherin table to greet her roses, while dragging the poor hufflepuff boy with her.

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