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3rd POV

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3rd POV

September 5, 1975

as the group was walking down the corridors of hogwarts, aquila's mind wandered. she couldn't stop herself from questioning whether regulus would be glad at her arrival, when she stopped dead in her tracks, felicity stopped as well in concern.

sirius. sirius was at hogwarts.

aquila's mind filled with white, hot, burning anger at her disowned twin. anger at her mother, who let him leave. anger at the potter's, the ones who took him from her and regulus. anger at the constellations, for taking everything she loved. her father was uncaring. her mother was abusive. her twin was selfish. her little brother was sad and angry. the rest of her family was insane.

she silently cursed the world for damning her to such a cruel fate.

"aqua, are you alright?" felicity asked, gently, while gripping aquila's upper arms softly and staring deep into her eyes.

the rest of the group stopped and turned to her, aurelie and charlotte showing their concern as well, immediately rushing to aquila and surrounding her, effectively blocking her from the view of the headmaster, of whom was watching with his beady blue eyes.

"yeah, yeah. I'm okay." aquila confirmed, confidently. pushing her previous thoughts away and placing a blank expression on her previously emotional face.

they resumed walking until they came upon huge wooden doors.

"you will please stay out here until i announce your names, i don't know about you, but i have a knack for particularly dramatic entrances." dumbledore said, before entering the great hall.

now all they had to do was wait.


four teenage boys were sat at their normal seats at gryffindor table.

the first boy, with messy raven hair that refused to be tamed, soft but mischievous hazel eyes, and a bright, boisterous smile that lit up the room.

the second, was none other than sirius black himself, his ebony hair reaching to his shoulders looked perfect as usual, his grey eyes like liquid iron, had an unusually blank look on his faceas he stared at the table in front of him.

remus lupin was the third boy, his nose stuck in his worn copy of pride and prejudice by jane austen, his brown hair slightly disheveled, and his gentle amber eyes focusing on the page. his light caramel sweater a bit baggy hanging from his long torso fit him just right.

the final boy was mousy, with wispy blonde hair and teary blue eyes. his soft features didn't draw much attention, but he still sat with the rest of the boys, thinking about the food that was to come after the announcement given by the headmaster.

dumbledore had told everyone they were due to come to dinner tonight so people couldn't refuse.

dumbledore entered the room, and everyone went silent. sirius looked up from the table to see him mutter something to minerva mcgonagall, or minnie as the marauders called her, and couldn't help but be curious. what is so important that they were required to be here?

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