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third pov

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third pov

first day of yule break

aquila was cold.

orion didn't feel her blood pumping through her veins.

walburga had tortured their daughter to death. and orion knew he would do anything to bring his princess back to him.

"kreacher!" orion screamed for the house elf, who was in regulus' room, trying to comfort him.

kreacher popped away, which alarmed regulus enough to follow the elf downstairs.

the sight made him sick.

his father was covered in the blood of his unresponsive sister. her blood was pooling around her and staining the floors. the worst of all, her dead eyes were staring directly at him, staring into his soul.

"aquila?" regulus whimpered as he ran down the rest of the stairs.

"regulus stay back." orion commanded, lifting his hands towards his youngest, aquila's blood dripped from his hands and onto the floor.

"no, no, that's my sister!" regulus cried as he ran the rest of the way to his older sister, picking up her lifeless body and placing it on his lap before hugging her to him.

once she was placed on his lap, he felt the one thing that was missing and it broke him.

her heartbeat was gone.

"no, no, no, keila come back to me, no!" regulus sobbed, distraught.

he begged and pleaded with orion, begging the constellations and mother magic to bring her back to him.

they both pulled their wands and began to perform as many healing spells as they could think of. none of them had worked.


meanwhile, aquila was in the light. she was still wearing her bloodsoaked clothing, but she opened her eyes to find blank brightness.

she was in a brighter, cleaner hogwarts, where no one was to be seen.

"aquila black?" a voice sounded from behind her, which startled her, causing her to jump to face the voice.

"yes?" she responded fearfully. she had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that the pain was gone and she wasn't sure of where she was.

"oh, mum..." the male voice sounded sadly.

aquila's head snapped to the voice, where she found a boy standing there. he looked to be around the age of seventeen with dark, messy curls alike to hers, and eyes that looked like hers as well, her starry grey eyes that pierced souls. he had round glasses and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead that looked almost fresh.

"what?" aquila whispered, confused.

"mum, you shouldn't be here..." the boy came up to the teenage girl and brought her into an embrace, which she immediately (though unknowingly) melted into.

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