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3rd povnovember 3, 1975

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3rd pov
november 3, 1975

the days between all hallow's eve and the twins' birthday had always seemed like the longest. they passed just as long as the summers they spent locked in their horrible home. but the day of the twins' sixteenth birthday had arrived. thus so, aquila woke to aurelie tearing the blankets from her body, and throwing something heavy on her.

"happy birthday, quils!!!" aurelie screamed excitedly, hurrying aquila to open the present that aurelie placed beside her. "open my gift, please please please!"

upon grabbing the gift, aquila tore through the glittery silver wraping paper, which had small holes dispersed throughout it that went unnoticed by aquila. the flaps popped open to show two small, excited puppies.

"aura! they're beautiful!" aquila gasped, charlotte came over to see what the excitement was about and gasped when she saw the puppies.

"aurelie, are those wolves!" charlotte questioned, eyes widening.

"no, they're called northern inuit dogs, they're breeded to look like wolves though! they're perfect for our aqua!" aurelie giggled as aquila picked the two from the box and placed them on her bed, where they ran up to her and started licking all over her face, causing laughs to burst from the group's mouths, causing attention from regulus, who was standing outside of their door.

regulus knocked, "are you ladies decent?"

"yes reggie, come in!" aquila laughed, picking up the black, male one in her right arm, and the white, female one in her left arm.

"aquila, put down the wolves..." regulus said, carefully, holding his arms between the dogs and himself.

"oh, reg, they're not wolves, they're dogs!" aquila responded as she kissed her puppies' heads.

"that's what they want you to think!" regulus yelled before hiding behind charlotte who hugged him to her body.

"don't worry, reggie, i'll save you," charlotte mocked, holding him close and kissing his forehead, causing his cheeks to become pomegranates, before he laughed.

"see, at least someone understands!" regulus sniffed playfully, rubbing his face into charlotte's neck.

"come on, reg!" aquila laughed.

"okay, okay, happy birthday, sissy!" regulus said, going to give his sister a hug before once again backing away from the puppies, looking at them with distain. aquila saw him stop, and laughed even harder, handing the dogs to her best friends before advancing on her brother and letting him sweep her into a hug. she soaked in the warmth and comfort he gave and silently wished they could stay like this forever. regulus held her tightly and whispered, "i love you, keils."

these four words caused aquila to become stiff, alarming regulus and making him rub her back and shoulders until she melted back into him.

"and i will always protect you, reg." aquila responded, not daring to mutter those same words back, not that he was expecting them to come from the girl. he knew that she wasn't comfortable with the concept, and he respected that.

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