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3rd POV

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3rd POV

September 26, 1975

after the feast, aquila was shown the dungeons and the slytherin common room by regulus, evan, barty, and rabastan, whom aquila was quite friendly with. the password being 'basiliscus veneni' which meant 'basilisk venom' in latin.

the slytherin common room was located under the black lake, so the light that shone through the bay windows was diluted green from the water, and you could see the many magical underwater creatures that lived in the depths of the lake. the cushion of the bay windows was dark green in color and had matching pillows embroidered with intricate lace.

there was a fireplace with a warm green fire burning, surrounded by black velvet couches and armchairs which held pillows that varied in shades of green and grey. along with glass coffee tables and side tables.

there were spiraling staircases on either side of the common room that led to the dorms, and a portrait of salazar slytherin himself hung on the wall alongside slytherin banners.

aquila was given an overview of the changes the slytherins had made, including a library filled with ancient texts that were available at a simple wave of hand.

bidding regulus goodnight, aquila led charlotte and aurelie to their private dorms to get unpacked, with the knowledge that the password to the private dorms was 'occultatum serpentes' meaning 'hidden snakes' in latin.

it was in the early hours of the next morning, around one, when aquila couldn't sleep.

she silently crept from the warmth of her sheets and put on a simple robe to cover her pyjamas, and slippers.

sliding out of the common room entrance, she roamed the dark halls which shone in the moonlight, thinking no one else was awake.

aquila soon found her way to the astronomy tower, where she sat on the ledge, leaning up against the tower walls, bringing her knees to her chest, resting her chin atop them and wrapping her arms around her legs while staring up at the constellations of which were so beautiful and yet were the cause of all her problems.

her eyes were instinctively drawn to the brightest star in the sky.


it was known as the dog star, which reflected its prominence in its constellation, canis major 'the greater dog.'

aquila couldn't help but find it ironic that sirius was named after a dog star.

she thought back to when they were children, chasing each other through the halls of the black manor with their cousins.

- aquila, sirius, narcissa, and regulus ran down the halls of the black manor, as bellatrix and andromeda chased them, their arms out, trying to tickle them.

"no! andi, bella! you can't get them! you have to go through me!" aquila giggled, as she turned around quickly and held out her arms as if to stop them, only to be grabbed and tickled.

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