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1 march 1976 - midnight

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1 march 1976 - midnight

aquila black was going insane.

she could feel it in her veins. every second glance she took, she swore she could see someone following her.

it was dark outside, the corridors cold, as the usually glistening walls that were full of life and beauty now seemed dull and dark, as if they were closing in on her.

she rushed through the halls of beauxbatons in a panic. every twist, every turn, it all blurred together, and she didn't quite know where she was heading. all she knew is that she had to get away.

get away from what? she also didn't know.

she felt a dark presence in the back of her mind invading her every thought, scream, and shout. her mind was trying to fight back, and it was giving her a migraine.

that same presence followed her down the hall, and by the fifteenth turn, her eyes were blown wide in fear.

her chest heaved as she ran. a dark figure following her.

"leave me alone!" aquila screamed, though it seemed the dark figure didn't hear her, continuing at the same grueling pace that sent her spiraling.

"stop it! stop it! stop it!" she cried, violent sobs ripping from her vocal cords as she couldn't breathe.

as she looked behind her, she tripped, she slammed against one of the pale walls, sliding down it and curling up against it.

heartwrenching cries tore through her, shaking her body as she tugged at her raven tresses, her sharp nails digging into the sides of her head, embedding maroon crescents that seemed to grow permanent.

the dark figure got closer and closer, causing the sixteen year old to rock back and forth like a mere child.

because that's what she was.

she was still just a child that had to grow up too fast.

who longed for her mother to care, who longed for her father's love, who just wanted her brothers.

but she realized as the figure got closer, that no one was coming to save her.

she pounded her fists against invisible restraints as she screamed in distraught, "go away, please, go away!"

her screams and pleads reverberated through the halls, however, they never once reached the ears of its sleeping inhabitants.

the dark figure consumed her, choking her, as she begged for her brothers.

"siri! reggie! no, no, no, stop it!" aquila screamed, pleaded to any godforsaken person that would listen.

the figure stayed put, placing even more weight on her throat, and all aquila could see were the flickering red eyes that haunted her every waking moment.

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