Chapter 1

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***Ana's POV***

The alarm went off. Half awake I slammed the snooze button. It was Monday.. September 1st to be exact, today I had to go back to school. This summer holiday went so quick, I finally had a good time. I had always been bullied since I've started that school. I had no friends and I was really depressed. One time I told my parents about it but it seemed like they didn't care, no one cared, so I started cutting myself.

It was 7 am and school started in about an hour. I took a quick shower and after that I put on some clothes. I chose a green flannel and black jeans. I brushed my long blonde hair and I put on some make up. I hoped everything was going to be different. Maybe this would be my year. I just hoped there would be at least someone that could be my friend because having no friends while being bullied sucks. I always felt so alone during the breaks, so mostly I spent them in the toilet locked away from my bullies.

"Ana, breakfast is ready" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Quickly I ran off the stairs with my bag packed. "Haven't seen you this happy for so long" my mom said. "Well today a new year is gonna start and I'm gonna make the best out of it!" I told her. "Well that's good love, here is your breakfast. I have to go to my work now and your dad is still sleeping. By the way you have to spend tonight on your own because me and your dad are going to a meeting. Here is €10,- for a pizza. I hope you don't mind, I love you." My mom said. She gave me a kiss and then left. Great. I had to spend my life alone, again, as most of my time. But that's okay I guess, I mean I'm kinda used to it by now.
It was 8 am and school was starting in 20 minutes. I brought the dishes to the kitchen, then picked up my bag and walked out of the door to the buss stop.

It was about 10-15 minutes driving from here to school. I walked quick to my usual seat in the back corner of the buss. No one could see me here unless they knew and everyone always sat in the front middle, only if the buss was full there, they'd come in the back. The buss stopped a couple of times and more people hopped on. Suddenly Laura, came sitting beside me.

"Hi Ana! How was your holiday?" She asked. "Uhm fine I guess, how was yours?" I asked. Why did Laura talk to me? We used to be best friends when we entered school, but then she started hanging out with Emily, my main bully, and she basically ignored me and never talked to me ever again. So I was quite surprised she talked to me after 4 years. "I've been to Italy and it was absolutely amazing! I met this really hot boy and we're constantly texting right now. His name is Amando and he's so cute! I love him so much." Laura said and she went on talking about Amando. Okay well I didn't really care about Laura talking about that Amando but it was nice to have someone to talk to. I had almost forgotten how it was to have friends or like have a conversation with someone else than your parents or my crazy aunt and niece from Germany.

"But enough about me, where did you go on your holiday Ana?" Laura asked. She's enemies interested and she smiled at me. "Well I went back to visit my family in Denmark" I said. "Oh yeah I forgot you had family there. How was it? Did you meet any cute danish boys?" Laura smirked at me. "It was fun I got to hang out with some of my friends and no I didn't meet a boy" I half lied. I used to have friends in Denmark but they all left. Some went to university and others moved. I actually didn't talk to them anymore, which kinda upsets me. Well I bumped into Josefine this holiday and we went to Starbucks and we talked a bit but that was it.

The buss stopped and the people were getting out. We were al school. I felt my stomach cramping and I was getting really nervous. Laura got up. "See you later! Nice talking to you again Ana" and then she left. I got up too and left the buss as last one. I saw Laura walking up to Emily and some other girls. Emily looked at me and gave me some kind of evil smile. Oh god, this year is not gonna be any different I thought.

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