Chapter 24

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***Luke's POV***

What was he talking about?! What could I possibly have done to deserve any of this? And what did he mean that I could only remember 'that' part? What had happened?

I didn't have much time to think though. Because only a few seconds later He ran towards me and I found myself lying on the ground with a hurting head only couple of seconds later.

My sight was all a blur and Michael sat on top of me, hitting me, everywhere.

My body hurt and I knew I wouldn't last long. But I wouldn't go down that easy, not without a fight.

So with the little amount of strength I had left I tried to push Michael off me.

***Michael's POV***

Luke was fighting back. That's a surprise. I didn't think that little twat had any strength left to fight me. He started to hit me. It were weak hits and not as powerful but it hurt.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Luke asked. "You know why" I cold bloody said. "FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T FUCKING KNOW MICHAEL. JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHAT I DID" Luke yelled as he stopped hitting me.

"Luke, you've been fucking bullying me along with Calum and Ashton for years. Every single day you waited me up, waiting to insult me and then beating me up. I hated you. And I hated you the most. You caused me to do things to myself I never should have done and that's all on you." I said, holding back my tears for what I was about to tell next. Luke looked shocked but nodded, meaning he remembered. Ana was unconscious and I didn't bother to wake her up. It would be easier for me that way.

"The day of my birthday was the worst. You, Calum and Ashton threw some liquid on the car I got for my birthday. But you didn't know that as soon as the car would start, that it'd set itself on fire, because of the heat. That day my parent had to get something at the grocery store and I told them they could use my car. But then as soon as they started it, the car exploded and my parents died" I said tears streaming down my face but there had come a certain anger in my voice which I didn't know how to control.

"When you found out about their deaths you took me into your group. And I accepted it. I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't, yet. I wanted you to suffer. So I pretended. I was waiting for the right moment. Two years passed and you seemed to forget everything, but I never did." Luke looked shocked but after a while he looked like he remembered. Good. He needed to remember the pain I felt, the pain he needed to feel too.

"The time when you slept with Andrea I felt like I had another reason to kill you and that's when my plan started. I had no control about my actions. I waited for you and Calum to leave for that party and that's when I took my chance."
Luke just glared at me, he was almost crying. But I didn't care. He fucked up my life causing me to do things I didn't want to do. But it was too late now to get back out of this all. I needed to finish it.

"I got inside your house, your mom and dad were watching movies on the couch. And your brothers were talking in the kitchen. Jack opened the door and he was the first to die. Shortly after Ben came to check what had happened and he was the second to die. After that it was your parents turn" i looked at Luke, seeing the tears starting in his eyes, good. He needed to feel.

"Their corpses were laying on the ground. I needed to do something more with them. So I thought, what would be the worst way possible to find them dead? Spreading their limps and intestines all over the house. And I needed the floor to be covered in their blood. After I had done that, I turned off the light and went over to Ashton's, knowing he would be the first you'd call after finding your family like that" I started laughing. I don't know why, I just did. But it made the tears in Luke's eyes stream down his face, which in my point of view was a good thing.

***Luke's POV***

Michael just stood there. Telling me how he had killed them. I hated him, but not as much as much as I hated myself.

I remembered what Michael had told me about what I had done and it was true. I remembered bullying him among with Calum and Ashton, making fun of things he couldn't help about himself. I don't know why I had done that. I was just a jerk all those years ago I guess. I remembered even making fun of the scars on his wrists, the loss of his parents, which I now never would've done. I wish I had forgotten completely, that he hadn't told me.

But he did, and somewhere it was good that I knew again. I had repressed all those memories with amnesia and now my memories were back. Those horrible memories.

Michael saw the tears streaming down my face and laughed. He just kept on going to the last part.

"I was waiting for Ashton to finish the call outside his house. And when he did, I rang to doorbell. Ashton opened and smiled at me. But that smile wasn't going to last long... I raised the knife and I killed him. Then I left the note for you so you hopefully didn't know it had been me. After that I sprinted to Calum's house. Since you were home I assumed Calum was too. When I got there he hadn't gotten home yet so I hid in the bushes. When his car came 10 minutes later and he was dropped off I waited for him to go inside. Shortly after I took my chance and I killed him. That's when you came in and I think you know the rest" Michael said finishing his story.

I was crying right now. There was no way I could stop. I had no control about the tears streaming down my face. I wasn't crying because of Michael killing them. I was crying because their blood was on my hands.

It was my fault and I was ready to die.

Sorry sorry sorry for not updating in such a long time. I'm really busy with school since it's the end of the year. So I havn't had much time to write. I'll try to write and update as much as possible. I hope you're enjoying the story. It's nearly coming to an end but I have some other story ideas which I'm currently working on as well.
X Cecilie

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