Chapter 6

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***Luke's POV***

What were they doing here?! Ana and Michael? Together? What? Why? How? I saw Ana looking at her shoes and Michael just stood there smirking. "Well hello there Lucas" Michael said still smirking. "Hi Michael..." I said, not trying to show any emotion. "Me and Ana here just went out to see a movie. It was good wasn't it Ana" Michael said clearly trying to make me jealous. Ana nodded, I could easily tell that she wasn't feeling at ease here. At least not with both of us..

***Ana's POV***

What was Luke doing here? When I agreed with Michael to go watch a movie with him I didn't expect to bump into Luke. It felt weird to stand in between Luke and Michael. It felt like something bad had happened between them. I don't know and I had no clue at all about what it might be. But that was none of my business, so I just chose to not think about it anymore.

"Well I hope you've had fun. I need to go now... Bye.." Luke said and then he left. There was something going on with Luke. But what? He looked a bit scared. But why? This was just weird. He acted so different from when we hung out. It had all been a bit strange since Michael came here. Luke broke up with me and now he was acting weird.. Could Michael be the reason this happened? No it couldn't be. Michael is a really nice and sweet guy. I mean he was there for me when Luke wasn't. He took me to a fun movie and bought me dinner. He couldn't be the reason of all this, right? Maybe Luke was just jealous of me hanging out with Michael. But why would he? I'm not pretty, I'm just some depressed girl which cuts herself because I can't stand up for myself. I'm weak and boring. Why would anyone want to hang out with me?

"Are you coming?" Michael asked, grabbing my hand and taking me with him. "Yeah were are we going?" I asked. "I'm gonna bring you home silly" Michael laughed. "My parents aren't home and they won't be till monday" I said. "Well too bad I'm staying at your house" Michael said. "Okay then" I smiled.

Me and Michael walked to my house. When we got there he walked straight to the kitchen to get some food I guess. It seemed as if he knew where everything was but I just went upstairs to get some movies. When I got back I saw he had made a some large bowls filled with popcorn, crisps and pretty much every sweet he could find. I was happy and I showed him the movies that I had. "Which one do you want to watch?" I asked. "That one's really really good" Michael said pointing at The Maze Runner. So I put that one on and we watched it while eating tons of candy. Then short after I fell asleep and so did he I guess.

When I woke up I smelt bacon and eggs. I turned around and saw Michael cooking in the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready" Michael said and we ate it.

I spent the rest of my weekend with Michael. We went canoeing, watched tons of movies and ate loads of candy. I had forgotten about Luke. I couldn't care less about him. I mean this time I had Michael and he was even better to be with then Luke. He was sweet, crazy and fun to be with. Luke was shy, he was a nice guy though but since he had been acting so weird and broke up with me I didn't want to care about him anymore.

That monday we went to school together. Michael came to pick me up and then we walked to the buss. "How was your weekend?" Michael smirked. "It was really good" I smiled. In the bus we just sat beside each other. It was fun talking to Michael. When we got to school we got off the buss and I walked to my locker. From behind I heard footsteps "Hi Mich..." I said while turning around assuming it was Michael. But no... it was Luke.

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