Chapter 24

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Im back :) (I missed you guys!!)


Jungkook has always found the bus ride home after work to be peaceful. Something about the passing city lights and buzzing chatter of people always brought him comfort. He savoured the moment, as simple as it was.

But now he's lost that sense of peace, his grasp of isolated tranquility. As he sits rigidly in that posh car, seated next to his body guard as they make their way to his house, he struggles to find that same sense of comfort, of familiar ease. Instead an oppressive sensation of discomfort tugs at him .

It feels too tense, the atmosphere weirdly suffocating. The car is too silent, void of any white noise. Deafeningly silent. Jungkook finds it unsettling. Unnerving.

And so in a reach for comfort, in a desperate attempt, he gathers his thoughts, sets aside his inner shyness and his nerves and decides to speak. "Um, how long have you been a body guard for?"

Seokjin looks at him, his expression hidden behind his tinted black shades. "Around 5 years now. How long have you worked under Mr Kim?"

Jungkook's surprised by the man's attempt at continuing the conversation. He smiles timidly. "A few months, feels longer though."

The older nods, "Are you liking it so far?"

The brunette looks down at his lap, frowning in thought. "Sometimes. I like working but... but Mr Kim can be difficult at times."

"Is that so?" Seokjin asks, a small smile on his face. "I must admit, he was rather intimidating when we spoke."

Jungkook nods furiously at that. "Y-yeah!I was terrified the first time I met him..." he pauses, shuddering slightly as his mind flashes back to his and Taehyung's first encounter.

Seokjin chuckles at the boy's expression and Jungkook finds himself smiling at the warm sound, having not expected such thing from a stoic man like him.

They fall into a sort of conversation, chatting about trivial things, small talk. It's nothing major but Jungkook prefers it over the silence.

When they finally approach his house, Jungkook smiles at the man. "Thanks for -um-, taking me home..." he states awkwardly.

Seokjin smiles as he watches Jungkook take his seatbelt off. Jungkook opens the car door and is about to get out when Jin speaks up again.

"Mr Jeon," he starts, voice sounding serious once again. Jungkook looks back at the man, eyes questioning.

There's a small pause, something about it making  the younger anxious.

"Be careful,"  the older finally says while staring into the younger's eyes. He then smiles again, that professional smile of his. 

Jungkook blinks at the man, feeling something inside of him waver for a second. " I will, thanks." He says meekly.

He then watches as the car drives away, zooming into the distance. He stares at it with a flurry of thoughts in his head. Finally, when the black car fades off into the darkness, Jungkook lets out a ragged sigh, the weighted breath forming a misty cloudy amongst the frozen air. 

Jungkook turns to his gate and quickly rushes inside, not wanting to stay out in the cold any longer, not liking the threatening breath of fear that the cold brings him. 

"I'm home," he announces, walking into the tiny warm house. 

"In here," a familiar voice calls out. Jungkook furrows his brows and heads towards the kitchen. A familiar blond greets him, a small smile on his face as he holds the small sleeping child in his hands. 

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