Chapter 5

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Jungkook has been practicing his speaking skills relentlessly, much to his baby brother's dismay. The poor boy has had to endure his brother's constant random monologues. 

Seonjin watches as his Hyung stands up and starts speaking about a big word he can't quite pronounce yet. Contracevlip? Conpasentive? Contresiptel?

"Contraceptives!" Jungkook announces to the imaginary audience. "They have been around for years but still, we are yet to find a way to improve these safe sex metho-"

"Hyung, what does sex mean?" Seonjin interrupts. 

Jungkook looks down at his brother, eyes wide with horror. "Seonjin! When did you get here?!"

The smaller frowns. "Hyung told me to come here ages ago to listen to you speak, remember?"

Jungkook clicks his tongue and runs a hand through his hair. "Thanks for listening, Seonnie. You can go now-"

"But Hyung, what is sex?"

Jungkook goes red, staring down at his 5-year-old brother with a helpless look. "Uhh, s-sex is..."

"...Something Jungkook will never get," a new voice interrupts the duo. 

"CHIMMY HYUNG!" Seonjin squeals as he runs over to the pink-haired male. The man squats down and smiles at the boy, eyes crinkling. "Hi, Seonnie, it seems you and Kookie have been busy?"

Seonjin nods frantically. "Hyung gave me ice cream and started talking about s-sex."

Jimin gives Jungkook an incredulous look. "You already gave him the talk? Kook, he's 5!"

Jungkook shakes his head. "No, it's not like that! I was just- ugh forget it."

Jimin stands up and smiles before walking over to his friend and ruffling his hair. "What's on your mind?"

"I got a job, Hyung," Jungkook blurts out. Jimin widens his eyes. "Oh my god, Jungkook, that's amazing! When, where, how?"

Jungkook huffs as he's tackled by the smaller man. "Hyung!" he whines trying to get the older off him. 

"Hyungg," Seonjin mocks from the side, causing Jimin to laugh and Jungkook to send his brother a playful glare. 

Jungkook then sighs while sitting up straight on the bed. "It's at King's Corp. I'm Mr Kim's new secretary."

Jimin seems to have no reaction at first, he's completely silent. 


"Hold on, I think I just gave birth," Jimin says seriously. Jungkook gives him a weird look. 

"OKAY HOLD UP. JUNGKOOK WHAT THE F...ork," Jimin screams, changing his curse last minute upon seeing Seonjin's watchful eyes. "You're working under THE Kim Taehyung? THE CEO OF ONE THE BIGGEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD."

Jungkook sighs, "Yes, now calm down."

Jimin takes a deep breath. "Yeah okay, I-I'm- HOLY SHIT YOU'RE WORKING UNDER THE KIM-" Jungkook slaps a hand over the boy's mouth, giving him a threatening glare. 

"Seonnie, can you leave for a second, Chimmy Hyung and I are going to have an adult talk, ok?"

The smaller pouts but proceeds to waddle out of the room. Once the boy is out of sight, Jungkook turns back to Jimin with a scowl on his face. "Don't swear in front of him you piece of baboon shit."

Jimin giggles behind Jungkook's hand and nods at him, his eyes crinkled into small crescents. "I'm sorry. Let me try that again. Sooo how is it?" Jimin asks, clearly still feeling giddy. "Working under the one and only king himself. I'm so shocked. He's literally my idol. Is he as hot in real life as he is in the magazines? Jimin rambles on.

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