Chapter 27

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A/N: This chapter may be confusing as hell so please read carefully. ( Some parts of the chapter have a non-linear structure, keep that in mind!)


"I'll see you later, hmm?" says Taehyung as he leans down to peck the boy's cheek. 

Jungkook nods, smiling. "What time will the meeting finish, sir?"

Taehyung flicks his wrist up to check his watch. "Uh, if all goes well, around 9:00?"

Jungkook nods again, hopping off the desk as he does so. "Okay. I have a meeting for the scheduling program with Joon Hyung. We'll hopefully be done by the time you come back." 

Taehyung sighs and leans over to kiss the boy's lips, peppering him with kisses a few times until the younger's giggling and pushing him away. 

"Sir," he laughs out. "You're gonna be late."

Taehyung groans, a small smile on his face. "I just can't help it. You look too cute right now."

Jungkook blushes and pushes him away even harder, trying to get him to walk towards the office door. "Go." He squeaks, pointing at the door. 

Taehyung reluctantly gives in and starts trotting away. "Don't have too much fun without me!" He exclaims as he saunters out the room with a teasing smile. 

Jungkook shakes his head, smiling to himself. 


Taehyung stretches a little in his seat as the car glides across the roads. The silence inside the vehicle is calming, a soothing emptiness that buzzes against his ears as he watches the starlit sky. Taehyung's eyes cling onto every aspect of the dark twinkling blanket, using the sight as an anchor to keep him grounded.

 Having had Jungkook by his side every time for a meeting made Taehyung forget the usual sting of anxiety that would tug at his throat whenever he had to go to one. Sure, Taehyung is used to it, to all those bigoted men and women, used to their stares and snide remarks, but there's something about being there, the odd sock in a bundle of pristine white ones that even longevity and practice doesn't prepare him for. But Taehyung doesn't let it tear him down like it used to. Instead, he tries to find calm in the turmoil that is his mind, searching for the solace that resides in the eye of the hurricane. Searching for warmth, for comfort, for Jungkook. Taehyung's eyes search for the moon in the sky. The moon isn't there. 

"We're here, sir," the driver's voice breaks him out of his trance. He looks up and nods at the man through the rear-view mirror. 


"Kim," one of the men in the room says, the little twitch in his eyebrow displaying his distaste towards Taehyung's arrival. Taehyung looks over and gives him a quick nod in greeting. 

"I hope I wasn't too late?" He asks while taking a seat. 

"You're just on time."

He turns at the voice, his blood souring instantly upon seeing that familiar smug face. Grey Park. He doesn't acknowledge the man and instead turns back to face the front. 

Grey walks towards the head of the table, that arrogant smirk still resting on his features. "Is everyone here?" He leans over, talking to his secretary. 

The blond nods. "Yes, sir."

"Great," Grey says while clapping his hands together, his slitted eyes scanning through the room. "Glad to see you could all make it to this very important meeting. Today, I'm going to officially be announcing my newest project which is being released into the media just as we speak."

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