Chapter 12

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A/N: I'm finally back oml. It's been a damn minute. 


The sky is monochrome, painting a gloomy mural over the city as the clouds let out a mournful cry. Rain pelts down onto Jungkook who runs with a hand covering his hair, trying to prevent the droplets of water from disheveling his already ruffled brown locks. He finally stumbles into the building, his grey suit now patched with spots of water. He looks rather messy with his wild hair and odd socks but he tries to ignore that fact- along with the scrutinising looks that glance his way- as he rushes to the elevator. 

He enters the structure and taps his foot impatiently as mild piano music accompanies his ascend. He checks his watch and curses upon seeing the time. He is forty minutes late to work. 

Jungkook isn't usually the type to be late for work, in fact, he's someone who would wake up an extra hour earlier just to make sure he's on time. But today was a different story. Jungkook woke up at the same time as he does and checked his phone, only to find a text message from Brianna. 

Bri: Hey, Kook. Don't forget your mums appointment is at seven am today! Make sure she gets there on time. 

Jungkook's eyes flew open and he frantically called a taxi. He chucked on his work clothes as fast as he could, woke up his younger brother and got him ready for school as the younger cried about being up too early, and then lead all three of them into the taxi. By the time he left the hospital Jungkook was already pretty late and so he had sprinted all the way to King's Corps, knowing that the next bus would take too long to come and that a taxi would be too expensive to use again. 

And so now Jungkook is here, wet, disheveled and late. It seems like its just not his day today. 


The weight of the door seems heavier as Jungkook pushes it open, his movements hesitant as trepidation resides within him. He exhales a small breath and enters the office, his heart beat accelerating as he does so. 

Mr Kim sits at his desk with a frown resting on his face as he stares at his computer. At the sound of the door opening followed by a light knock, he lifts his eyes from his work to watch the boy who meekly enters the room.

 He stares at Jungkook, not uttering a single word to him. Both men continue to simply  breathe within the shallow pit of silence and ironically, it makes Jungkook feel breathless.  He's never liked this type of silence. The silence that claws its way up his back and wraps itself around his throat, suffocating him. It isn't tranquil or peaceful or serene. This silence served on a platter of hostility is foreboding. 

Just as foreboding as Mr Kim's dark eyes. 

"I'm sorry I'm la..."

"Shut up," Taehyung's voice cuts through like a blade, sharp with this finality to it that it has Jungkook freezing in his spot. 

The brunette looks up hesitantly and feels his breath hitch when he finally  meets his bosses eyes. Firm, fixated and deadly. The black orbs of burnt charcoal burns into him with rage, staring him down to the point he feels his hands tremble. 

Jungkook gulps down the lump that forms in his throat as Taehyung stands up and walks towards him. Taehyung's usual dark aura has a new intensity to it, a new depth that has Jungkook stumbling back towards the door. 

The ravenette stops directly in front of the brunette, his jaw clenched and eyes piercing. 

"Sir, I-I I'm sorry for being late," Jungkook stutters out while gulping. He knew that Taehyung would be mad at him for being late but he didn't expect this level of anger, this level of rage. 

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