Chapter 6

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A/N: I know this was in the warnings but I just want to remind you guys that there will be racial and homophobic discourse throughout this story that some may find offensive.

P.S sorry for the late update!! 


"I think this email is fake."


This seems to wake Taehyung up from his tired state. The man jolts up and Jungkook takes this chance to move from his lap, feeling slightly relieved when he stands up on his own two feet.

"What do you mean it's fake?" Taehyung questions while scrolling through the email.

"Mr Parker is from Pellets Corp and their design for emails have very distinct features, much like our ones. This email doesn't have that and the layout seems rather unprofessional, almost like its a scam or it's fake," Jungkook says while pointing at the screen.

Taehyung pulls out a pair of glasses and puts them on and then takes a closer look at screen. The accessory momentarily surprises Jungkook because he didn't know his boss wore glasses. Taehyung's eyes narrow as they analytically scan the screen. The blue electric hue of the device reflects off his glasses as wordlessly scrolls through the email. An irritant tut of disapproval suddenly sounds from his throat as he pulls back from the screen. He looks over at Jungkook with an annoyed expression.

"You're right," he says, sounding notably irritated. "The email itself sounds forced. This might mean that this whole thing is fake and that someone was trying to set up a fake contract cancellation to make us look bad."

"Who would do that?" Jungkook asks with furrowed brows.

Taehyung exhales slowly and pulls off his glasses, all while maintaining a firm gaze with the younger. "Who knows," he answers rather nonchalantly, although there's an obvious bitterness to what he says next. "We've never known who it was."

This leaves Jungkook even more confused. "What do you mean, sir?"

Taehyung doesn't reply to that. Instead, he turns away from the boy and starts typing on his laptop. "I'll send this to Namjoon and get him to check it out. You can go ahead and go home today, we have an important meeting tomorrow that you'll be presenting in." With the lack of reply from the younger, Taehyung looks over at him and quirks his eyebrows up. "I'm sure you haven't forgotten about it."

Jungkook visibly gulps, making the scene look almost comical. "No, sir," he squeaks. "I-I'll be off now then," the younger says before attempting to rush off. But before the brunette can even take a step, a firm grip on his wrist yanks him back into his spot. Jungkook looks at his boss with big alarmed eyes, wondering what the cause of his sudden actions is.

"And remember, Bunny," Taehyung starts with a sly smirk.

"No stuttering."


"H-How much l-longer, sir?" Jungkook stutters out like an impatient child.

Taehyung looks over at the boy while exhaling an annoyed sigh. "You're stuttering."

"I-I'm just c-cold, sir," the boy excuses. It's true to an extent, the weather today seems to have truely embraced the harshness of winter and Jungkook was met with the crispy breeze of New York's first snow day.

Taehyung almost rolls his eyes at the boy because he knows that that thick winter coat he adorns would be enough to give him warmth and that the obvious reason behind his stutter was his underlying nerves, but nonetheless, he tells the driver to crank the heater up. Jungkook bounces his leg while the ride continues and looks out the window like an angsty child watching a horror movie.

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