Chapter 7

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"61 Winston Road," Taehyung calls out towards the driver as they continue their drive amidst the cumulating snow storm. "I'm sure you know the place."

The driver looks into the rear-view mirror, meeting eyes with Taehyung's dark gaze and lifting a questioning brow. "Uhh, in this weather?" He asks, sounding uncertain. 

"Don't question what I do, just drive," Taehyung demands in his usual rude fashion. The driver suppresses a scowl and nods at the man.

Taehyung takes another glance over at Jungkook who is now deep asleep on his shoulder, his breaths coming out in gentle puffs from his rounded plum lips. Taehyung snickers at the boy, finding it amusing how easily he fell asleep despite his earlier reluctance. 

Time passes by with Taehyung exchanging glances between Jungkook and his phone. The car finally rolls to a stop near a narrow road clustered with bustling shops. Taehyung perks up his head and hums in approval upon seeing his desired destination. 

The driver looks over at him and gives him a hesitant smile. "We're here, sir."

Taehyung nods, "I know."

Without hesitation, Taehyung shakes Jungkook awake, causing the smaller to jolt up and look around confused. "H-Huh?"

"Wake up," Taehyung says bluntly, once again adopting that cold tone of his. 

"O-Oh, I'm sorry," Jungkook squeaks, not exactly sure what he is apologising for.

Taehyung dismisses his blabbering and then points to the door. "Let's go."

Jungkook looks outside and frowns, "Where are we?" He asks while looking out the window in curiosity. 

And once again he's met with Taehyung's blunt response. "Get out and see."

Jungkook nods and thanks the driver before stepping out of the car. Upon setting foot on the slippery gravel, he feels like he's been whiplashed as his disorientated state is met with the cold slap of ice crystals that swarm his face. 

"I think we're in the middle of a snow storm," Jungkook states loudly over the whistling screams of the wind as he looks around at the now deserted streets. 

"No shit," Taehyung states calmly before striding ahead. Jungkook stumbles after him, wondering where on earth they are going. 

"Where are we..."

"We're here," Taehyung says, a hint of pride in his voice as he stands in front of a shop. 

"An ice cream parlour?" Jungkook asks confusedly. 

Taehyung hums before stepping into the shop. The shopkeeper looks over at the two men with a wide smile, excited to see his first customers of this freezing cold day. 

"What are we doing here?' Jungkook questions while looking around at the shop decorated in pastel pink and bright yellow. 

"Breeding cattle," Taehyung replies sarcastically. He then rolls his eyes and turns to look at Jungkook. "We're getting ice cream, what else?"

Jungkook stares at him in shock. "But sir, it's  negative 10 degrees."

"And?" the older asks as he approaches the array of the vibrantly coloured frozen desserts. 

Jungkook frowns before shrugging lightly to himself. He walks up beside Taehyung and awkwardly stands next to him as he watches the man scan over the dozens of flavours resting on display. 

"What would you like, sir?" The man at the counter asks, a grin still stretched across his features. 

Taehyung hums in thought before turning his head to look back at Jungkook. "What do you want?" Taehyung asks, his voice almost demanding. 

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