Chapter 25

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After the elevator incident, Jungkook had been a bit clingy to Taehyung- rightfully so. After being convinced that his boss hated him and being somewhat ignored by the man, Jungkook felt the need to constantly be around him to well...compensate.

Taehyung finds it endearing. The way those big doe eyes are constantly trained on him or the way the younger follows him around with a bunch of documents clutched in his hands. Taehyung feels a strong urge within him to just drop everything and give the boy all his attention, but he can't. He has other concerns at hand.

Like finding out who the fuck is messing with his company.

Taehyung glares at the document as Jungkook stares at him worriedly.

"But how did anyone get access to secured documents like that? Only a very few people in the company know about these," Jungkook states with a frown.

Taehyung sighs and rubs his temples while staring down at the paper. "I don't know how they got access to this data but...this isn't good. This is direct information about the design of the car we're releasing. If this were to get released..."Taehyung pauses, feeling a sick pull at his gut.

"Do you know all the people who has access to this data?" Jungkook asks with a frown.

Taehyung nods, "only a few staff from the sales department should have access to this," he clicks his tongue and shoves the paper onto his desk. "Fuck, I need to go sort this out right now." He says while standing up abruptly.

Jungkook nods. "Should I come wit-"

"No bun, stay here and file this information for me."

Jungkook nods as the older storms out of the room, frowning ever-so-slightly as he watches him leave.


Taehyung stares at the figures in the room, raven eyes slightly narrowed into calculating slits. He leans forward on the desk and stares at the blond man in front of him.

"Mr Min, is it?" He asks. The blond nods, rather timid. "Do you know how much we are investing into this upcoming project?" Taehyung tilts his head a little, the action lacking aggression but still displaying a shiver-evoking sense of authority.

The man nods solemnly. "16..." he pauses, hesitates. Anxious. Taehyung stares at him, snake-like, his eyes- blood curdling poison in its very essence. "16 billion, sir," he finally responds, voice simmered down to the most cautious of whispers.

Taehyung nods, averting his gaze, now trailing a glance around the room. Penetrating the onlookers with tamed intimidation. "Did everyone catch that?"

A few nods are seen throughout the room. A mild, watered down chorus of " yes sir's" follow.

Taehyung smirks, face void of mirth. "Well then it should be granted you understand the severity of messing up such a project, hmm?"

More nods follow. This time however, no one makes a sound in reply, sensing their bosses bubbling aggression. Taehyung, however, doesn't yell. He doesn't shout or throw things across the room or make a fuss. His fury only slips through the small curve of his lips, an almost welcoming smile.

"One of you in here is a traitor to this company." He says simply, almost nonchalantly. The five employees freeze, looking around carefully amongst one another.

Taehyung sits back down in his chair, leaning back while spreading his thighs. He watches the employees silently. Watching their tense forms sweat in nervousness, watching them chew at their lips and fiddle with their fingers. Signs of discomfort...or perhaps a guilty conscious?

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