Chapter 8

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"So remind me again why you have come to raid my closet?" Jimin asks as he enters the room with a juice box. 

Jungkook grunts out a response, something along the lines of Gala and fancy, but Jimin doesn't bother to interpret it. The blond seats himself on his bed and watches his best friend place several shirts in front of his chest before making a face and shoving the clothes back into the closet. 

"Thanks for messing up my closet, bro," Jimin says while sipping his juice box. 

Jungkook groans and the drops to the floor dramatically. He lays flat on the carpeted surface and kicks his legs up like a child. "There's nothing to wear!" He exclaims while stamping his fists into the ground in distress. 

Jimin stands up from his seated position and walks towards the cupboard, still calmly sipping his juice box. "So you need to find an outfit for a Gala..?" He asks as he brushes past the distressed boy. 

"Yes," Jungkook whines. 

"And your going with..?" Jimin asks while trailing his hands over several shirts and trousers. 

"Mr Kim, who else," Jungkook grumbles.

Jimin hums, "mmm, how is he? Still being a dick?"

At Jungkook's slight hesitance to respond, Jimin spins around and faces the boy with a quirked eyebrow.

"He's...confusing," Jungkook finally says. 

"Confusing?" Jimin asks while spinning back around to look through his collection of expensive suits. "How so?"

"Well...Well one minute he's cold and arrogant and cocky and... and being all mean and stuff but then he's...he's kinda sweet and nice and he's buying me ice cream or giving me his scarf..." Jungkook trails off. "It's weird," he says after a moment of pondering.  

Jimin hums, "Maybe he likes you," he says with a shrug. 

Jungkook lets out a chortle, "yeah, as if."

"No, I'm serious. From what you're saying it sounds like he has a soft spot for you," Jimin continues as he picks up a green flowy shirt. He closes one eye and positions the shirt in front of Jungkook's face, testing the style on the boy. He shakes his head and puts it back before continuing to rummage through the clothes again. 

"But...but he's so mean sometimes," Jungkook says quietly, lips pulled into a pout. "Why would he be mean if he likes me?"

Jimin glances over at the boy and lets a fond smile settle on his lips upon seeing his scrunched up features. "Some people have very different ways of expressing feelings, Jungkook. Don't expect everyone to buy you flowers and call you a princess."

Jungkook flushes at the comment, "no, I know but...but it's just..." Jungkook trails off not having the right words to describe his thoughts towards his boss. "Ugh...he's just so confusing! But I'm sure he doesn't like me. Plus, I think he's straight. And so am I so it doesn't matter either way," Jungkook rambles on.

Jimin pauses his actions and looks over at the boy. "Right," he says quietly, a soft bitterness to his tone. 

"Anyways," Jungkook says while sitting up. "Anything interesting happening in your life? How's your job? Did you fix the toilet that you broke? Ooh oh! Anything interesting in your love life recently?" Jungkook fires out random questions at the blond. "Any guys you have your eyes on?" Jungkook says while wiggling his brows in a teasing manner. 

Jimin has stopped his actions by now, his back turned to Jungkook but his body completely still and listening. "You haven't mentioned any guys in forever, Jimin! Surely you found someone and you're just not telling me about hi-"

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