Chapter 10

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먹고* (jal meoggo)  =  Eat well

^^But also idfk if that's right because google translate does me dirty sometimes.

// I edited this chapter and tweaked some bits and pieces (more towards the end) - Uh, idk the date so I'll just say some day in July 2021 :)


Jungkook stalks past the icy streets as tufts of spiralling snow collapse onto him. He shivers, pulling his coat closer to his frame as he peeks around the high-end neighbourhood. Located at the edge of the city (a whole 2 hours away from Jungkook's cosy little house) is Mr Kim's apartment, the place the brunette haired boy was dreading to go since his boss told him about the arrangement yesterday. Jungkook isn't sure if his boss is still moody but regardless, he isn't giddy about spending a whole day alone with the man in his house.

Jungkook is already exhausted from the long train ride along with the two busses he took to get here and the thought of working in a foreign environment just adds to his tiredness, making him groan out in displeasure.

He pulls out his phone and trains his eyes on the text message that shows the address he is looking for. He glances up at the tall apartment complex and begrudgingly enters through the glass doors. He sighs in relief when the warm heated air of the building envelops his shivering body, uplifting his mood by just the slightest. His eyes meet the receptionist at the front desk and he smiles as he approaches her, trying not to cower at the way she trails her eyes over his body in scrutiny.

"Um, good morning, I am here to see Mr Kim Taehyung, my name's Jeon Jungkook," he says awkwardly, shifting his weight from one leg to another as she continues to stare at him.

She sighs before typing away at her laptop, obnoxiously chewing on her gum as she does so which Jungkook deems rather unprofessional. "Right, he's on the top floor. The elevator's on your right," she finally speaks up, her voice carrying a heavy New Yorkian accent.

Jungkook softly thanks her before trotting over to the elevator. He presses the top floor button and leans against the edge of the rail, admiring the luxurious interior of the enclosed space. He hums along to the gentle piano music playing in the back, feeling oddly comforted by the tune despite how out of place he feels. The music diminishes when the elevator finally comes to a stop, signalled by the small 'ding' sound the resonates through the space. Jungkook takes a deep breath, preparing himself to face his boss and for the day he has to endure.

It's going to be a long day.


Jungkook hesitates before quickly pressing the doorbell of the apartment. He stands rather meekly in front of the large door, waiting for it to be opened. His breath hitches when the knob slowly twists and the door starts to open.

Is it too late to call in sick?

"Hey there, Bunny," Taehyung drawls out as he opens the door, a small smirk resting on his features.

Jungkook stares at the man with wide eyes, taken aback by how...casual he looks. For some reason Jungkook was expecting his boss to be clad in one of his fashionable suits like he normally is but to his surprise, he's not. Instead, the ravenette adorns a pair of grey sweat pants pieced together with a simple white shirt. His usually neatly styled hair now sits on top of his head in a mess of glorious curls and Jungkook can't help but stare. Now, clad in his long black coat and tight uncomfortable tux, Jungkook feels rather foolish and overdressed, despite this being the usual dress code.

"G-Good morning," the smaller finally manages to stutter out. Taehyung keeps his smirk loosely on his lips as he steps aside, allowing the younger to enter the apartment. Jungkook hesitantly enters, awkwardly placing his coat on the coat hanger next to the door before looking around at the modern-style apartment. He marvels at the sight of cold marble floors resting alongside long thick walls which hold various intricate paintings on them. The room is filled with simplistic white furniture that exudes this rich elegance and makes the room feel somewhat cold and empty. Jungkook takes note of the large open kitchen in the distance, fitted with the newest forms of technology that makes it look like its from a sci-fi movie.

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