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Where am I?

A ginger haired male opened his eyes. Contrary to his expectations after opening his eyes, the most expected bright light dimmed down to many levels.

Am I dead!?

The ginger asked himself, though the speculation stopped after realizing that he could actually move freely in this black room.

He stood up, not even noticing his body that was glowing to hide his naked frame. The ginger started walking down the seemingly endless black room.

"Ah~ Shoyo kun, did you have fun running away from me?"

The ginger slightly jumped back at the sudden voice. He looked around the room to look for the source. Sadly, he can't see anything except the black walls surrounding him.

"Who are you!?" The ginger asked no one in particular, but he didn't get an answer.

"Yes, Shoyo? Do you want more? How can I say no to that? Beg more for me, please?"

Another voice erupted out of nowhere.

The ginger felt his heart thump in an unknown surge of excitement.

What the heck is happening to me!?, The ginger thought to himself, panting.

But despite his sudden arousal, he kept walking and walking down the endless room. Whimpering and panting as he tried to run with his wobbly legs.

"We missed you, Shoyo kun!"

"You told me you'd follow my every order.."

"You've become much more obedient, huh?"

"Shoyo kun.."


"Can't you see Shoyo? Every ounce of our love will be poured onto you!"

"— Making you yearn for us more is possibly the best thing we've ever done!"

The ginger then finally fell onto his knees, drool slipping off of his mouth.

Why was he getting aroused? Why wasn't he creeped out by the obviously psychotic voices? Why is his heart beating fast? Why is he slowly falling? Why—!?

Many mantras of why questions appeared in the ginger's mind.

Crouching on the floor as he hugged his knees. His eyes were shut closed as small tears left his eyes, tho the reason was not because of fear but because of the sudden surge of arousal.

"... ta"

"... nata..!"


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