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that snake would rather go fashionably late .

As the night stilled young, the streets fell into deep slumber as people soon found their peace, tucked into their beds

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As the night stilled young, the streets fell into deep slumber as people soon found their peace, tucked into their beds. This may be one of the most peaceful nights in this area of Japan, but why?

Inside an unknown, abandoned building, three figures stood in a circle. Different gadgets in hand as they look at each other's devices quietly and intently.

Was this the reason why the night seemed to be more peaceful than expected?

"When is he coming here?" The only man from the group asked the two girls, not looking up from his netbook. His fingers hastily typing away as his eyes hurriedly follow the approaching letters and numbers appearing on the dark screen.

One of the women shrugged their shoulders, "That snake looks like he'd rather go fashionably late, unlike someone.." She trailed off as her deep, obsidian eyes landed onto the smaller woman beside her.

"Eep! Im sorry okay? I was just... Distracted." The other woman blushed, looking down on her tablet as the pads of her finger carefully and smoothly glides over the unknown blocks appearing on her screen.

"Yeah, distracted by certain pictures." The ravenette giggled as she opened her phone, contacting an unknown number.

The group of three then went silent, the only thing that could be heard was the quiet taps from their feet; the continuous clicks from the computer and the constant rings from the woman's phone.

"Hello?" The person on the other side of the phone finally picked up the phone, a groan pairing with his first word.

The woman tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ears before inhaling and exhaling, "Hello Sir Daishou, my name is Kiyoko Shimizu. This may be quite rude but could you please come here faster? If not then we wouldn't hesitate to send over another truck and create a rather... Horrific scene tonight."

The other two silently gulped as they heard the calm threat coming out of their former manager's mouth.

Throughout the years of training, Shimizu seemed to be more hot headed yet well mannered. What happened to their once elegant manager?

A mocking laugh could be heard from the other line, "Hah... You never fail to amuse me, Kiyoko san. We wouldn't want your work to be broken off that easily so expect me to open the door in four minutes, goodbye~!"

And with a playful farewell, Daishou dropped the call, leaving a content smile on the ravenette's lips.

Her head turned towards her two other companions, clasping her hand as she giggled. "Now take this as your lesson for today, alright, Hitocchi.. Asahi kun?"

Lips pursed, the two nodded their heads before continuing their work.

Well, maybe their old manager is still somewhere there.


Future Shoyo watched how his younger self twists and turn in his sleep. His body floating above the younger's pale one, a smile on his lips.

His hazel brown eyes trailed from his hair and down to the tips of his feet — he couldn't help but both feel mesmerized by his angelic appearance and also be weird out. Their current situation made it look like he was looking at himself from another person's perspective, even tho they're the same person but from different timelines.

"Stop staring at my dick."

Future Shoyo shot his eyes back up, only to meet glazing ones. He disregarded the crude statement from the younger and just smiled as he noticed the visible emotions plastered on his face.

Anger, sadness, regret and... Happiness.

"So?" Future Shoyo blurted out, giving a lip tight smile at the younger.

Shoyo furrowed his eyebrows, his hands rubbing his eyes to push away the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I hate my father."


"I actually dated my boyfriends before but I was “modified” to think otherwise."

The older from the two winced playfully, acting like he just found out now, "That's gotta hurt... So what are you going to do now?" He asked, wrapping the younger in a hug.

Shoyo sighed deeply, contemplating his next actions, "Firstly... Im going to apologize and treat my boyfriends like kings... They deserved it after all of their hard work."

His future counterpart smiled contently at the answer, "That's true, they looked like they were about to sell their bodies to the demons just to have our memories back." He snickered.

"Secondly, im going to kill that son of a bitch." Shoyo cursed, gripping the sleeves of Future Shoyo's shirt.

"'Atta there boy, make a plan first. You don't want to be jailed for killing the family head now wouldn't you?" Future Shoyo joked, harshly ruffling the younger's ginger hair.

Shoyo didn't mind the gesture of his older self, his mind completely going to another direction.

"We wont let you go to jail, Love." The words that left his lovers' mouths rang through his ears like bells ringing from the church.

He trusted his boyfriends. If they said something, if they promised something, if they made him expect something... They'd do it.

I won't be going to jail anyways. He thought, closing his eyes momentarily to collect his thoughts and calm down.

And with a bright smile — a smile that contradicts his next words — Shoyo joked back.


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❝ why would i be going to jail if he's the one who belongs in one ? ❞

❝ why would i be going to jail if he's the one who belongs in one ? ❞

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