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LOVESICK || SEASON TWO──────────────────────────HINATA HAREM

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LOVESICK || SEASON TWO──────────────────────────HINATA HAREM

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The two remained on the marble floor of the unusually empty hallway

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The two remained on the marble floor of the unusually empty hallway.

Ayako gritted his teeth after hearing what the ginger told him, "And why should I do that?" He asked, glaring at Shoyo who was now seated on top of him.

Emotion void, brown eyes narrowed at the answer of the ravenette, "Why? Well... Wouldn't you want to kill someone who mistreated and used you like a toy for your whole life?"

This statement made Ayako abruptly freeze clenching his hand in annoyance. What does he know!? He doesn't understand me, only her, so why should I kill someone because a person like him wants me to!? He raged inside his head, his gaze hardening on the ginger.

"Ayako kun," Shoyo purred, driving Ayako out of his trance, "I see and understand what you feel around Ms. Saeke." The ginger grinned maliciously.

This made Ayako burst into fits of laughter, "Hah! You? Know me!? What a joke, shrimpy!"

Sighing, Shoyo released his grip on Ayako's hair and instead grazed his hands and cupped the ravenette's cheeks. He made sure to remain their eye contact, "A person who was carved just to be a wooden doll ready to be discarded after it's rotten, a doll filled with plastic memories and love that's ready to be crumpled after being stepped on. I pity you, Ayako kun."

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