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that man is truly a monster .

"Good afternoon, uncle

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"Good afternoon, uncle."

Mikazuki furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of more than a dozen of men in front of him, was his son truly thinking of building a harem rather than building his stature in society? He might be more foolish than he had expected him to be.

Sitting on one of their empty lounges, twenty four men sat in front of the family head, their posture calm as if they weren't intimidated by the strong presence of their boyfriend's father.

"Let's just keep this short while Shoyo isn't here," Mikazuki started, pinching his temples as he sighed deeply, "Break up with my son, I don't want people like you to be with him."

The ginger expected his son's boyfriends to be respectful and understanding; either they follow his orders peacefully or they plead for his approval. He truly thought that his power is enough for them to understand and follow him.

But his thoughts halted when he heard several of them snicker.

"You see, we can't do that." With a smirk, one of them smugly stared down at the head of the Hinata family.

"... What?"

"Not meaning to be rude sir, but we're not here to ask you for approval. We already did from his mother and when she accepted our relationship, we've already went past that line."

Mikazuki looked at them in disbelief, "That doesn't even make sense, you need the approval of both of us or it won't continue."

"But you're not his father, yes?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Slowly, Mikazuki's voice rose higher as the group of men didn't bother to understand his point of view.

In all honesty, the boyfriends of Shoyo never understood what people felt. Well, except for their short lover of course. But the way how his father seemed to show more emotion than any human could, made them think that his expressive nature might come from his family.

Not like it will change anything.

Frustration and built up anger, it was obvious that Mikazuki was slowly getting closer to his snapping point. And the thought amused them.

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